Node that connects with the Anthropic AI platform
Kumologica contribution node: kumologica-contrib-AnthropicAI
The Kumologica node client for AnthropicAI allows for integration with the AnthropicAI platform, enabling users to interact with it for simple text based question-and-answer (Q&A) tasks.
This capability can be useful for chatbots, customer support, or other Q&A-based systems.
Supported models:
- claude-3-5-sonnet-20241022
- claude-3-5-haiku-20241022
- claude-3-opus-20240229
- claude-3-sonnet-20240229
- claude-3-haiku-20240307
- claude-2.1
- claude-2.0
- claude-instant-1.2
From command line
Go to the project directory and run from the console:
npm install @kumologica/kumologica-contrib-anthropicai
Kumologica Designer and Anthropic API KEY is required. Follow below instructions:
Kumologica Designer
You need Kumologica Designer to use AnthropicAI Node.
To install Kumologica SDK run following command:
npm install -g @kumologica/sdk
After successful installation run following command to open Kumologica Designer:
kl open
Anthropic API KEY
Signup to the anthropic web console https://console.anthropic.com/login, create api key and signup to the plan of your choice.
More information
AnthropicAI Node documentation: https://docs.kumologica.com/docs/references/AnthropicAI.html
For more information about Kumologica SDK Installation see: Kumologica SDK Installation
Visit kumologica.com for information about sdk, designer, documentation, tutorials, support and professional services.