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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

If you’re interested in other things I’m working on, follow me on Twitter or check out the open source projects I’ve been publishing on GitHub.

I am also working on a Twitter bot for this site to tweet the most popular, newest, random packages from npm. Please follow that account now and it will start sending out packages soon–ish.

Open Software & Tools

This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense generosity and tireless efforts from the people who make contributions to the world and share their work via open source initiatives. Thank you 🙏

© 2025 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




Resolve marked up JavaScript object/array/string against a data object.




@kubric/resolver Featured on Openbase

Resolver is capable of resolving any marked up JavaScript object/array/string against a data object.


npm install @kubric/resolver


yarn add @kubric/resolver


import Resolver from "@kubric/resolver"

//Data JSON
const data = {
  isFormData: false,
  appName: 'an_app',
  email: [{
    id: '[email protected]',
  mapValue: {
    data: {
      name: "tester",
      id: 1234

//Template JSON
const template = {
  method: 'post',
  isFormData: '{{isFormData}}',
  userId: 'userid_{{}}',
  data: {
    userid: '{{}}',
    app_name: '{{appName}}',
  extraData: '{{}}'

const resolver = new Resolver();
const resolvedData = resolver.resolve(template, data);

// resolvedData will be
// {
//   method: 'post',
//   isFormData: false,
//   userId: 'userid_1234',
//   data: {
//     userid: '[email protected]',
//     app_name: 'an_app'
//   },
//   extraData: {
//     name: "tester",
//     id: 1234
//   }
// }

Default values

Default values can be provided in the markup, to support the case when the mapping path results in an undefined when resolved against the data

import Resolver from "@kubric/resolver"

//Data JSON
const data = {};

//Template JSON
const template = {
  method: 'post',
  isFormData: '{{isFormData|false}}',
  userId: 'userid_{{|1234}}',
  data: {
    userid: '{{|[email protected]}}',
    app_name: '{{appName|an_app}}',

const resolver = new Resolver();
const resolvedData = resolver.resolve(template, data);

// resolvedData will be
// {
//   method: 'post',
//   isFormData: 'false',
//   userId: 'userid_1234',
//   data: {
//     userid: '[email protected]',
//     app_name: 'an_app'
//   }
// }

Type conversion

By default, the resolver always resolve to whatever type is returned from the data. This behavior can be altered by forcing a type conversion. The following 7 types are supported - number, object, array, string, boolean and null.

import Resolver from "@kubric/resolver"

//Data JSON
const data = {
  once: 1,
  numberstring: "3",
  number: 4,
  stringnumber: 10,
  booleanstring: "test",
  boolean: true,
  array: [1],
  object: {
    one: 1
  objectstring: '{"four":4}',
  null: 5

//Template JSON
const template = {
  //{{data.once|5}} = 1 resolved from data. Default value "5" is ignored
  //{{data.twice|2}} = "2" resolved from default value.
  withinstring: "replacing within string once {{data.once|5}} and twice {{data.twice|2}}",

  //{{data.notypedefault|5}} = "5" resolved from default value
  notypedefault: "{{data.notypedefault|5}}",

  //{{data.numberstring||number}} = 3 resolved from data.numberstring("3") and
  //converted to number(3)
  numberstring: "{{data.numberstring||number}}",

  //{{data.number||number}} = 4 resolved from data.number(4) and converted to
  number: "{{data.number||number}}",

  //{{data.numberdefault|5|number}} = 5 resolved from defaultValue("5") and
  //converted to number(5)
  numberdefault: "{{data.numberdefault|5|number}}",

  //{{data.stringnumber||string}} = "10" resolved from data.stringnumber(10) and
  //converted to string("10")
  stringnumber: "{{data.stringnumber||string}}",

  //{{data.stringdefault|test|string}} = "test" resolved from default value("test")
  stringdefault: "{{data.stringdefault|test|string}}",

  //boolean type resolves to true for boolean true and string "true". It resolve
  //to false for everything else
  //{{data.booldefault|test|boolean}} = false resolved from default value("test").
  booldefault: "{{data.booldefault|test|boolean}}",

  //{{data.boolfalsedefault|true|boolean}} = true resolved from default value
  booltruedefault: "{{data.boolfalsedefault|true|boolean}}",

  //{{data.booleanstring||boolean}} = false resolved from data.booleanstring
  booleanstring: "{{data.booleanstring||boolean}}",

  //{{data.boolean||boolean}} = true resolved from data.boolean(true).
  boolean: "{{data.boolean||boolean}}",

  //{{data.array|[2,3]|array}} = [1] resolved from data.array([1])
  array: "{{data.array|[2,3]|array}}",

  //{{data.defaultarray|[2,3]|array}} = [2,3] resolved from default value("[2,3]")
  //and converted to array([2,3])
  defaultarray: "{{data.defaultarray|[2,3]|array}}",

  //{{data.defaultarray|[2,3]}} = "[2,3]" resolved from default value("[2,3]")
  arraystring: "{{data.defaultarray|[2,3]}}",

  //{{data.object|{"two": 2, "three": 3}|object}} = {"one":1} resolved from
  object: '{{data.object|{"two": 2, "three": 3}|object}}',

  //{{data.defaultobject|{"two": 2, "three": 3}|object}} = {"two":2,"three":3}
  //resolved from default value('{"two": 2, "three": 3}') and converted to object
  //({"two": 2, "three": 3})
  defaultobject: '{{data.defaultobject|{"two": 2, "three": 3}|object}}',

  //{{data.defaultobject|{"two": 2, "three": 3}}} = '{"two": 2, "three": 3}'
  //resolved from default value('{"two": 2, "three": 3}')
  defaultobjectstring: '{{data.defaultobject|{"two": 2, "three": 3}}}',

  //{{data.objectstring||object}} = {"four": 4} resolved from data.objectstring
  //('{"four": 4}') and converted to object({"four": 4})
  objectstring: '{{data.objectstring||object}}',

  //null is a special type. If the type is null and the mapping results in an
  //undefined value, the mapping resolved to null
  //{{data.nulldefault||null}} = null as data.nulldefault returns undefined
  nulldefault: '{{data.nulldefault||null}}',

  //{{data.null||null}} = 5 resolved from data.null(5)
  null: '{{data.null||null}}',

const resolver = new Resolver();
const resolvedData = resolver.resolve(template, data);

// resolvedData will be
// {
//   withinstring: "replacing within string once 1 and twice 2",
//   notypedefault: "5",
//   numberstring: 3,
//   number: 4,
//   numberdefault: 5,
//   stringnumber: "10",
//   stringdefault: "test",
//   booldefault: false,
//   booltruedefault: true,
//   booleanstring: false,
//   boolean: true,
//   array: [1],
//   defaultarray: [2, 3],
//   arraystring: "[2,3]",
//   defaultobjectstring: '{"two": 2, "three": 3}',
//   defaultobject: {
//     two: 2,
//     three: 3
//   },
//   object: {
//     one: 1
//   },
//   objectstring: {
//     four: 4
//   },
//   nulldefault: null,
//   null: 5
// }


Transformers can be defined in the template when extracted data need to be transformed before being applied.

In the template if any of the properties have as its value, an object with just the 2 properties _mapping and _transformer where _transformer is a function, then the resolver will resolve the mapping string from the data object and get the value resolved by passing it to the transformer function.

import Resolver from "@kubric/resolver"

const data = {
  isFormData: false,

const template = {
  method: 'post',
  isFormData: {
    //resolves to false
    _mapping: "{{isFormData}}",

    //The value false resolved using the _mapping is passed to the function. The
    //value that the function returns will become the value of isFormData
    _transformer(value) {
      return value === false ? "This is a false value" : "This is a true value";

const resolver = new Resolver();
const resolvedData = resolver.resolve(template, data);

// resolvedData will be
// {
//   isFormData: 'This is a false value',
// }

Transformers can be defined in 3 places

  1. mapping: This transformer affects only the mapping for which it is defined. eg. The transformer defined in the above code. A mapping transformer, if defined will always be called.
  2. resolve() function call: When resolve() is called, a transformer function can be passed in the options(see resolve()). This transformer will be called for every mapping in the template, other than the mappings that have a transformer already defined.
  3. new Resolver(): When a resolver instance is created, a transformer can b e passed in the options(see options). This transformer will be called for all mappings for all calls to the resolve() function.

Rules for transformer invocation are as follows

  1. Only one transformer will be called for a mapping
  2. Order of precedence of if transformers have been defined in multiple levels - mapping > resolve() > new Resolver()


The resolver's default behavior is to try and replace everything between {{ and }} with values from the data json. mappers can be used to define other markup operators.

import Resolver from "@kubric/resolver"
import math from "math-expression-evaluator";

const data = {
  val1: "1",
  val2: "2",
  val3: "3",
  val4: "4",

const evaluators = {
  // "data" is the data that has been passed for resolution to the resolve() 
  // call
  math: (match, formula, data) => {
    try {
      return +math.eval(formula);
    } catch (ex) {
      return match;

const template = {
  //Multiple mappings are used inside a string here. So the values returned by
  //the evaluator will be replaced into the string. The final value here will
  //be the string "3 and 7"
  calculatedStringValue: "[[{{val1}} + {{val2}}]] and [[{{val3}} + {{val4}}]]",
  //The entire string is one mapping. So value returned by the evaluator will be
  //assigned as such. The final value here will be the number 5
  calculatedNumberValue: "[[{{val1}} + {{val4}}]]"

//Anything that is enclosed within [[ and ]] will be passed to the math evaluator
const resolver = new Resolver({
  //Anything enclosed between [[ and ]] will be sent to the math evaluator
  mappers: [
    [/\[\[(.+?)]]/g, evaluators.math]

const resolvedData = resolver.resolve(template, data);
// resolvedData will be
// {
//     calculatedStringValue: '3 and 7',
//     calculatedNumberValue: 5
// }

mappers take effect only after standard mappings(mappings between {{ and }}) are resolved and the transformer pipeline has been executed. The standard mapping operator cannot be overridden using custom mappers.

Nested mapping

import Resolver from "@kubric/resolver"

//Data JSON
const data = {
  property: "value",
  index: {
    value: "2",
    value1: 0
  array: ["one", "two", ["3"]]

//Template JSON
const template = {
  string: "This is a string that has been resolved from a " +
    "{{array.{{index.{{property}}||number}}.{{index.value1}}||number}} level nested mapping"

const resolver = new Resolver();
const resolvedData = resolver.resolve(template, data);

// resolvedData will be
// {
//   string: "This is a string that has been resolved from a 3 level nested mapping"
// }
// {{property}} - Resolves to "value" and the mapping becomes {{array.{{index.value||number}}.{{index.value1}}||number}}
// {{index.value||number}} - Resolves to 2 and the mapping becomes {{array.2.{{index.value1}}||number}}
// {{index.value1}} - Resolves to 0 and the mapping becomes {{array.2.0||number}}
// {{array.2.0||number}} - Resolves to 3


new Resolver(options)

Creates a new Resolver instance


options should be an object with the following properties

Property | Description | Remarks ---------|-------------|---------- replaceUndefinedWith | If a mapping path does not exist or is marked as undefined in the data json, the value of that mapping is taken to be undefined. replaceUndefinedWith can be used to replace such missing mappings with a custom value. | optional ignoreUndefined | If true, mappings that do not exist or returns undefined from the data json will be ignored and left as is without resolving them. | optional Default value: false. transformer| Resolver instance level transformer can be defined here | optional See Transformers mappers | Used to define custom markup operators and their behavior | optional Refer mappers delimiter | Sets the delimiter pattern that is used to delimit between mapping, default value and type in a mapping string. | optional Default value: | fields | It accepts an object with string properties mapping and transformer whose values will replace _mapping and _transformer as the keywords while defining a transformer for a single mapping. | optional Defaults to { mapping: "_mapping", tranformer: "_transformer" } overrideDefault | If true, will override the default resolver behavior i.e. it will avoid resolving content between {{}} and will rely entirely on the mappers for resolution. | optional Default value: false

resolver.resolve(template, data, options)

Property | Description | Remarks ---------|-------------|---------- template | JS object/string/array that needs to be resolved against data | required data | JSON object against which the template will be resolved | optional options.transformer | If defined, this function will be called to transform the value of every mapping defined in template except if there is an exclusive transformer defined for a mapping | optional See Transformers options.mappers | If defined, will override the mappers defined at an instance level for that invocation of the resolve() function | optional Refer mappers options.overrideDefault | If defined, will override the overrideDefault defined at an instance level for that invocation of the resolve() function | optional Refer options