Custom build of the CKEditor for use in KTH websites.
KTH CKEditor build
Do not manually edit files in the
This project contains a custom build of the CKEditor.
To update the CKEditor code, go to the builder and
upload the ckeditor/build-config.js
file to reuse the same settings
and plugins. Download ZIP file, delete the current ckeditor
unpack the ZIP file into this repository, and finally commit and push.
Also don't forget to update the version using the npm version
When installing this project through npm, run the following command:
npm install --save-dev @kth/kth-ckeditor-build
In the module there is a gulp (version 4) task generator which can copy CKEditor files to the your project target directory. They move the plugin as well as a configuration file into your project directory. Here is an example how it can be used.
const ckGulp = require('@kth/kth-ckeditor-build/gulpfile')
const ckEditorBuild = ckGulp.buildTask(
// if there is a vendor task, you can add it there
gulp.series([ckEditorBuild, vendor], done => {
// or define as a standalone task which can then added to the final build task
gulp.series([ckEditorBuild], done => {
In order for the configuration file to be used, it has to be configured in the client. For example in your page view module. Attention: for Bootstrap formatting in the editor, provide a Bootstrap CSS path in the contentsCss array. This also a good place to override options that may be needed for your project
CKEDITOR.replace('editor', {
customConfig: 'customConfig.js',
contentsCss: [CKEDITOR.getUrl('contents.css'), 'path-to-bootstrap-css'],
// We need more height, lets override! height: 1337
Finally, reference the CKEditor JavaScript file ckeditor/ckeditor.js
and optionally ckeditor/adapters/jquery.js
if you are using jQuery.
To test the editor without installing, clone this repository and run
npm run server
and open http://localhost:5050 in your browser.
Note about the link dialog
Currently this works perfectly fine as it is. However, the link dialog is missing a way to edit the link text. Right now, the best way to ensure a specific link text is to first type out the text, then highlight it, then open the link dialog, enter a URL, and click OK. It is being worked on by the CKEditor team, but it's not certain when it's finished.
Sample config
For a sample config, check out the server/public/js/index.js file.