Process env:s that are not configured on start up, but accessed * as envs in the application are added with there default values.Default paths and error pages for uri:s.
Basic behaviour
Process env:s that are not configured on start up, but accessed via process.env.ENV_NAME in the application are added with there default values, as specified as a key-value object.
const defaultEnvs = require("@kth/default-envs");
const DEFAULTS = {
LOG_LEVEL: "info",
PORT: 80,
console.log(process.env.PORT); // 80
Override default values
If an env is set on startup it will be used, not the default.
const defaultEnvs = require("@kth/default-envs");
const DEFAULTS = {
LOG_LEVEL: "info",
PORT: 80,
console.log(process.env.APPINSIGHTS_INSTRUMENTATIONKEY); // abc-123
Required values without any defaults
Some envs do not have defaults and must exist before starting your service.
defaultEnvs.required([], console) will print information about if a logger is passed, and if the env is missing when invoking required
throw an error Required env 'PASSWORD' does not exist. .
node app.js
const defaultEnvs = require("@kth/default-envs");
const DEFAULTS = {
USER: "admin",
URI: 'example.com'
defaultEnvs.required(['PASSWORD']); // Exception:Required env 'PASSWORD' does not exist.
PASSWORD='s3cret' node app.js
const defaultEnvs = require("@kth/default-envs");
const DEFAULTS = {
USER: "admin",
URI: 'example.com'
console.log(process.env.PASSWORD); // s3cret
Log the defaults used
If you pass a logger like console
or any other that implements logger functions debug, info or warn you will get information about what defaults are used when invoking defaultEnvs.set({}, logger);
TOKEN="xxxx-yyyy" PORT=3000 node app.js
const defaultEnvs = require("@kth/default-envs");
const DEFAULTS = {
LOG_LEVEL: "info",
PORT: 80,
defaultEnvs.set(DEFAULTS, console);
defaultEnvs.required(['TOKEN', 'PASSWORD']);
08:57:00.808Z INFO my-app: - Env 'LOG_LEVEL' is not set, defaulting to 'info'.
08:57:00.811Z INFO my-app: - Env 'APPINSIGHTS_INSTRUMENTATIONKEY' is not set, defaulting to ''.
08:57:00.811Z INFO my-app: - ✅ Found required env 'TOKEN'
08:57:00.811Z INFO my-app: - 🚨 Missing required env 'PASSWORD'
08:57:00.811Z WARN my-app: Required env 'PASSWORD' does not exist.
Exception: Required env 'PASSWORD' does not exist.
npm install
npm test
Default Envs
✔ Throw an error if a required env is missing.
✔ Do not throw an error if a required env exists.
✔ If a default value is set you can access it wia process.env.
✔ If a env is already set prior to running set(defaults), process.env will return it.
✔ After runnign unset() all defaults values are removed from process.env array.
✔ After runnign unset() all emvs set on startup are still availible.
✔ If a logger is passed to the set({}, logger), use it to log.
7 passing (10ms)
- Go to the directory https://github.com/KTH/default-envs/tree/master/demo
npm install
npm run ok
> [email protected] ok
> PASSWORD='s3cret' TOKEN='xxxx-1111' APPLICATION_NAME='Super default-envs-demo 🚀' node demo.js
- Env 'LOG_LEVEL' is not set, defaulting to 'info'.
- Env 'PORT' is not set, defaulting to '3000'.
- Env 'API_HOST' is not set, defaulting to 'https://api.kth.se'.
- Env 'APPINSIGHTS_INSTRUMENTATIONKEY' is not set, defaulting to ''.
- ✅ Found required env 'PASSWORD'
- ✅ Found required env 'TOKEN'
Application name: Super default-envs-demo 🚀
npm run fail
> [email protected] fail
> TOKEN='xxxx-1111' node demo.js
- Env 'APPLICATION_NAME' is not set, defaulting to 'Demo-app'.
- Env 'LOG_LEVEL' is not set, defaulting to 'info'.
- Env 'PORT' is not set, defaulting to '3000'.
- Env 'API_HOST' is not set, defaulting to 'https://api.kth.se'.
- Env 'APPINSIGHTS_INSTRUMENTATIONKEY' is not set, defaulting to ''.
- 🚨 Missing required env 'PASSWORD'
- ✅ Found required env 'TOKEN'
Required env 'PASSWORD' does not exist.
throw message;
Required env 'PASSWORD' does not exist.
(Use `node --trace-uncaught ...` to show where the exception was thrown)