A package which provides a command to 'fill the gaps '(set target translation to source for missing translations) in one or more places containing xliff 1.2 files specified via glob-patterns. This is especially usefull for angular multi-language builds wh
= xliff-gap-filler
Xliff-gap-filler provides an easy way for your builds (especially angular projects) not to have an dependency on everything ist translated.
It just fills the gaps in the xliff-files with the source translation. That means: Missing translations are just shown in the source language (Preferrably to not building at all).
WARNING: This hasn't been extensively tested as it only provides a limited functionality for an specific problem in a single case. Use at your own risk.
== What problem is this trying to solve?
When you have an i18n angular app with missing translations in some language and try to multi-language builds via the --localize
it will throw errors like:
An unhandled exception occurred: Failed to parse "project/src/locale/messages.fr.xlf" as XLIFF 1.2 format
- Missing required <target> element ("
This means it can't build if you don't provide a translation for every trans-unit. No need to say that ** it is bad practice to build an i18n app without providing appropriate translations ** but there are two cases in which the this becomes annoying:
- Testing multi-language-builds
- The urgent need to deploy an important bugfix, feature, etc. without relying on the translators
== usage
First install the package via:
npm install --save-dev @kpro-media/xliff-gap-filler
Use it:
WARNING: This will directly write to the files matching the glob pattern
xliff-gap-filler --files [glob-pattern]...
It will fill the gaps in the files matching the glob-patterns by created target elements that have the same content as the source elements.
== package.json integration
Just integrate it in your package.json build-script: