Abstraction library for interacting with the Kosu contract system governance functions.
Kind: global class
- Gov
- new Gov()
- instance
- .init()
- .currentProposals() ⇒ Map.<Proposal>
- .currentValidators() ⇒ Map.<Validator>
- .currentChallenges() ⇒ Map.<StoreChallenge>
- .weiToEther(wei) ⇒ string
- .etherToWei(ether) ⇒ string
- .commitVote(challengeId, value, amount) ⇒ Promise.<string>
- .hasCommittedVote(challengeId) ⇒ boolean
- .revealVote(challengeId) ⇒ Promise.<string>
- .hasRevealedVote(challengeId) ⇒ boolean
- .estimateFutureBlockTimestamp(blockNumber) ⇒ Promise.<number>
- .getPastBlockTimestamp(blockNumber) ⇒ Promise.<number>
- .getHistoricalChallenges() ⇒ Promise.<Array.<PastChallenge>>
- .getChallengeInfo(challengeId) ⇒ Promise.<ChallengeInfo>
- .currentBlockNumber() ⇒ number
- .getPastGovernanceActivity(address) ⇒ Promise.<Array.<PastGovernanceActivity>>
- static
new Gov()
Kind: instance method of Gov
gov.currentProposals() ⇒ Map.<Proposal>
Kind: instance method of Gov
Returns: Map.<Proposal> - a map where the key is the listing public key, and the value is a proposal object
const proposals = gov.currentProposals();
gov.currentValidators() ⇒ Map.<Validator>
Kind: instance method of Gov
Returns: Map.<Validator> - a map where the key is the listing public key, and the value is a validator object
const validators = gov.currentValidators();
gov.currentChallenges() ⇒ Map.<StoreChallenge>
Kind: instance method of Gov
Returns: Map.<StoreChallenge> - a map where the key is the listing public key, and the value is a challenge object
const challenges = gov.currentChallenges();
gov.weiToEther(wei) ⇒ string
Kind: instance method of Gov
Returns: string - the same amount in ether, string used for precision
| Param | Type | Description | | ----- | --------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------- | | wei | BigNumber | string | the token amount in wei to convert |
gov.weiToEther("100000000000000000000"); // > "100"
gov.weiToEther(100000000000000000000); // > "100"
gov.etherToWei(ether) ⇒ string
Kind: instance method of Gov
Returns: string - the same amount in wei, string used for precision
| Param | Type | Description | | ----- | --------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------- | | ether | BigNumber | string | the token amount to convert |
gov.etherToWei(10); // > "10000000000000000000"
gov.etherToWei("1"); // > "1000000000000000000"
gov.commitVote(challengeId, value, amount) ⇒ Promise.<string>
Kind: instance method of Gov
Returns: Promise.<string> - the transaction hash of the commit tx
| Param | Type | Description | | ----------- | ---------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | challengeId | BigNumber | the pollId of the challenge, as a string | | value | string | the vote value, "1" to vote for the challenge, "0" to vote against | | amount | BigNumber | the number of tokens (in wei) to commit in the vote |
// we are looking at challenge #13, and want to vote AGAINST it with 10 tokens
const pollId = new BigNumber(13);
const amount = new BigNumber(gov.etherToWei("10"));
const value = "0";
// will prompt for MetaMask signature
const commitVoteTxId = await gov.commitVote(pollId, value, amount);
// ... some time passes, we now want to reveal ...
// load vote from cookie and reveal
const revealTxId = await gov.revealVote(new BigNumber("13"));
// ... wait for Tx's to confirm or whatever, etc.
gov.hasCommittedVote(challengeId) ⇒ boolean
Kind: instance method of Gov
Returns: boolean - the boolean representing the presence of a commit vote
| Param | Type | Description | | ----------- | ---------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------- | | challengeId | BigNumber | the challenge to check for a stored commit vote for |
gov.revealVote(challengeId) ⇒ Promise.<string>
Kind: instance method of Gov
Returns: Promise.<string> - the transaction hash of the reveal tx.
| Param | Type | Description | | ----------- | ---------------------- | ------------------------------------------------ | | challengeId | BigNumber | the challenge to reveal a stored vote for |
gov.hasRevealedVote(challengeId) ⇒ boolean
Kind: instance method of Gov
Returns: boolean - the boolean representing the presence of a reveal vote
| Param | Type | Description | | ----------- | ---------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------- | | challengeId | BigNumber | the challenge to check for a stored reveal vote for |
gov.estimateFutureBlockTimestamp(blockNumber) ⇒ Promise.<number>
Kind: instance method of Gov
Returns: Promise.<number> - the block's estimated UNIX timestamp (in seconds)
| Param | Type | Description | | ----------- | ------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------- | | blockNumber | number | the block number to estimate the timestamp for |
const block = 6102105;
const unixTs = gov.estimateFutureBlockTimestamp(block);
// use as a normal date object (multiply by 1000 to get ms)
const blockDate = new Date(ts * 1000);
gov.getPastBlockTimestamp(blockNumber) ⇒ Promise.<number>
Kind: instance method of Gov
Returns: Promise.<number> - the Unix timestamp of the specified blockNumber
| Param | Type | Description | | ----------- | ------------------- | ---------------------------------------------- | | blockNumber | number | the block to get the unix timestamp for |
await gov.getPastBlockTimestamp(515237); // > 1559346404
gov.getHistoricalChallenges() ⇒ Promise.<Array.<PastChallenge>>
Kind: instance method of Gov
Returns: Promise.<Array.<PastChallenge>> - all historical challenges.
gov.getChallengeInfo(challengeId) ⇒ Promise.<ChallengeInfo>
Kind: instance method of Gov
Returns: Promise.<ChallengeInfo> - the block numbers for this challenge
| Param | Type | Description | | ----------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------- | | challengeId | string | number | BigNumber | the ID of the challenge to query |
const info = await gov.getChallengeInfo(new BigNumber(1));
const currentBlock = await gov.currentBlockNumber();
if (currentBlock < endCommitPeriod && currentBlock >= challengeStart) {
// in "commit" period; voters may submit votes
} else if (currentBlock >= endCommitPeriod && currentBlock <= challengeEnd) {
// in "reveal" period; voters may reveal votes
} else {
// challenge has ended (or issues with block numbers)
gov.currentBlockNumber() ⇒ number
Kind: instance method of Gov
Returns: number - The current (or most recent) Ethereum block height.
gov.getPastGovernanceActivity(address) ⇒ Promise.<Array.<PastGovernanceActivity>>
Kind: instance method of Gov
Returns: Promise.<Array.<PastGovernanceActivity>> - An array of snippets about past governance activity.
| Param | Type | Description | | ------- | ------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------- | | address | string | Ethereum address of user to get past activity for. |
Kind: static property of Gov
Kind: static property of Gov
Kind: static property of Gov
Kind: static property of Gov
Kind: global typedef
| Name | Type | Description | | ---------------- | ---------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | owner | string | the Ethereum address of the validator | | stakeSize | BigNumber | the staked balance (in wei) of the validator | | dailyReward | BigNumber | the approximate daily reward to the validator (in wei) | | confirmationUnix | number | the unix timestamp of the block the validator was confirmed in | | power | BigNumber | the validators approximate current vote power on the Kosu network | | details | string | arbitrary details provided by the validator when they applied |
Kind: global typedef
| Name | Type | Description | | ----------- | ---------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | owner | string | the Ethereum address of the applicant | | stakeSize | BigNumber | the total stake the applicant is including with their proposal (in wei) | | dailyReward | BigNumber | the approximate daily reward (in wei) the applicant is requesting | | power | BigNumber | the estimated vote power the listing would receive if accepted right now | | details | string | arbitrary details provided by the applicant with their proposal | | acceptUnix | number | the approximate unix timestamp the listing will be accepted, if not challenged |
Kind: global typedef
| Name | Type | Description | | ---------------- | ---------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | listingOwner | string | the Ethereum address of the owner of the challenged listing | | listingStake | BigNumber | the total stake of the challenged listing | | listingPower | BigNumber | the current vote power of the listing (if they are a validator) | | challenger | string | the Ethereum address of the challenger | | challengeId | BigNumber | the incremental ID of the current challenge | | challengerStake | BigNumber | the staked balance of the challenger | | challengeEndUnix | number | the estimated unix timestamp the challenge ends at | | challengeEnd | BigNumber | the block at which the challenge reveal period ends | | totalTokens | BigNumber | if finalized, the total number of tokens from participating voters | | winningTokens | BigNumber | if finalized, the number of tokens that voted on the winning side | | result | string | the final result of the challenge; "passed", "failed", or null if not finalized | | challengeType | string | the type of listing the challenge is against, either a "validator" or a "proposal" | | listingDetails | string | details provided by the listing holder | | challengeDetails | string | details provided by the challenger |
Kind: global typedef
| Name | Type | Description | | --------------- | ------------------------------------------------ | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | balance | BigNumber | the number of tokens (in wei) staked in the challenge | | challengeEnd | BigNumber | the block the challenge ends at | | challenger | string | the Ethereum address of the challenger | | details | string | additional details provided by the challenger | | finalized | boolean | true if the challenge result is final, false if it is ongoing | | listingKey | string | the key that corresponds to the challenged listing | | listingSnapshot | ListingSnapshot | an object representing the state of the challenged listing at the time of challenge | | passed | boolean | true if the challenge was successful, false otherwise | | pollId | BigNumber | the incremental ID used to identify the poll | | voterTotal | BigNumber | the total number of tokens participating in the vote | | winningTokens | BigNumber | the total number of tokens voting for the winning option |
Kind: global typedef
| Name | Type | Description | | ------------------- | ---------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | applicationBlock | BigNumber | the block the listing application was submitted | | confirmationBlock | BigNumber | the block the listing was confirmed (0 if unconfirmed) | | currentChallenge | BigNumber | the ID of the current challenge against the listing | | details | string | arbitrary details provided by the listing applicant | | exitBlock | BigNumber | the block (if any) the listing exited at | | lastRewardBlock | BigNumber | the last block the listing owner claimed rewards for | | owner | string | the Ethereum address of the listing owner | | rewardRate | BigNumber | the number of tokens (in wei) rewarded to the listing per reward period | | stakedBalance | BigNumber | the number of tokens staked by the listing owner (in wei) | | status | number | the number representing the listing status (0: no listing, 1: proposal, 2: validator, 3: in-challenge, 4: exiting) | | tendermintPublicKey | string | the 32 byte Tendermint public key of the listing holder |
Kind: global typedef
| Name | Type | Description | | ------------ | ---------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | id | BigNumber | the challengeId the vote is for | | value | string | the vote value (should be "1" or "0" for challenge votes) | | salt | string | a secret string used to hash the vote; must use same salt in commit as reveal | | encoded | string | the encoded vote, as passed to the contract system | | commitTxHash | string | the transaction hash of the commit transaction | | revealTxHash | string | the transaction hash of the reveal transaction |
Kind: global typedef
| Name | Type | Description | | --------------- | ------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | challengeStart | number | the block at which the challenge was initiated, and when the commit period starts | | endCommitPeriod | number | the block the commit period ends, and the reveal period starts | | challengeEnd | number | the block the reveal period ends, and the challenge finalizes |
Kind: global typedef
| Name | Type | Description | | ------------- | -------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | type | string | Either "CHALLENGE_BY" for created challenges, "CHALLENGE_AGAINST" for challenges against a user, and "PROPOSAL" for created listings | | result | string | Either "PENDING" for active, "ACCEPTED" for successful listings and challenges, and "REJECTED" for failed challenges and applications | | actionable | boolean | Indicates if some on-chain action can be taken to change the governance activity state | | challengeId | number | If present, indicates the challenge ID associated with the activity | | listingPubKey | string | The public key of the listing (proposal or challenged proposal) |