Parse GraphQL Input arguments to MongoDB query filters
Parse GraphQL Input arguments to MongoDB query filters. For use in GraphQL resolvers.
What does it do?
This small package helps with converting GraphQL Input
arguments to MongoDB filters, following a certain convention. It supports:
- logical queries (
) - comparative queries (
) - Embedded object queries like:
{"embedded.level1.level2": 10}
And combinations of the above.
By default, this parser assumes a simple structural convention for writing your Input
arguments, which resembles mongoDB query format as closely as possible:
write mongo keywords like so:
will parse to:$or
will parse to:$nin
etc.Use nested objects for embedded queries, like so:
{ nested: { level1: { level2: { _NE: 10 } } } }
will parse to:{ 'nested.level1.level2': { $ne: 10 } }
Since version 2 this package is a pure function by default. If you want to use the deprecated class syntax, you can import it from graphql-mongo-query/class
version >= 2.0.0
import GQLMongoQuery from 'graphql-mongo-query'
// Example arguments:
const query = { _OR: [{ num: 10 }, { nested: {property: 'X'} }] }
const parser = GQLMongoQuery(<keywords?>, <resolvers?>, <merge?>)
const MongoFilters = parser(query)
// MongoFilters will equal to:
// {$or: [ { num: 10 }, { 'nested.property': 'X' } ]}
version < 2.0.0
import GQLMongoQuery from 'graphql-mongo-query/class'
// Example arguments:
const query = { _OR: [{ num: 10 }, { nested: {property: 'X'} }] }
const parser = new GQLMongoQuery(<keywords?>, <resolvers?>, <merge?>)
const MongoFilters = parser.buildFiltersquerys)
// MongoFilters will equal to:
// {$or: [ { num: 10 }, { 'nested.property': 'X' } ]}
takes options to customize your keywords and special value entities. All options are optional. By default, they will be merged with defaults.
Maps the query keywords to mongo keywords. Every key in this object will be replaced by corresponding value.
// Defaults:
// logical operators:
_OR: '$or',
_AND: '$and',
_NOR: '$nor',
// comparison operators:
_ALL: '$all',
_IN: '$in',
_NIN: '$nin',
_EQ: '$eq',
_NE: '$ne',
_LT: '$lt',
_LTE: '$lte',
_GT: '$gt',
_GTE: '$gte',
// geo queries operators:
_GEO_INTERSECTS: '$geoIntersects',
_GEO_WITHIN: '$geoWithin',
_NEAR: '$near',
// geo shapes operators:
_GEOMETRY: '$geometry',
_BOX: '$box',
_POLYGON: '$polygon',
_CENTER: '$center',
_CENTER_SPHERE: '$centerSphere',
_MAX_DISTANCE: '$maxDistance',
_MIN_DISTANCE: '$minDistance'
An object mapping specified query keys to custom resolver functions that will return a new key and value.
These resolver functions take parent
object as the only parameter, and should return a value that will replace that parent. Parent object is a single single {key: value}
The parser will iterate through a query, and when finding a key that matches, it will replace the entire {key: value}
pair with the result of the resolver function.
// Examples:
const resolvers = {
test1(parent) {
return {test1: !!parent.test1}
'nested.a'() {
return {['nested.a']: true}
'nested.b'(parent) {
parent['nested.b'] = parent['nested.b'].n * parent['nested.b'].n
return parent
'nested.date'(parent) {
return { 'nested.date': new Date(parent['nested.date']) }
'nested.rename'(parent) {
const newname = parent['nested.rename']
delete parent['nested.rename']
return {newname}
(optional, default: true
If set to true, keywords
and resolvers
from options will be merged with defaults. Otherwise they will overwrite the defaults.
For examples checkout the tests
An example of a complex Input filter and it’s parsed value:
// resolvers option object
const resolvers = {
dateField(parent) {
parent.dateField = new Date(parent.dateField)
return parent
// query received from graphQL input:
const query = {
_OR: [
{ field1: { _NE: 'not me' } },
{ field2: { _IN: ['A', 'B'] } }
nested: { level1: { level2: { _NE: 10 } } },
dateField: '2020-02-20'
// Parsed filter:
const filter = GQLMongoQuery(null, resolvers)querys)
$or: [
{ field1: { $ne: 'not me' } },
{ field2: { $in: ['A', 'B'] } }
'nested.level1.level2': { $ne: 10 },
dateField: new Date('2020-02-20')