A package to make a discord bot quick and easy.
❔ What is this?
UseLess is a package to easily create your own discord bot. This can be used with different coding languages and different discord libraries. At the moment, UseLess only supports the language 'JavaScript' and the libraries 'Discord.js' and 'Eris'.. There will be more in the future.
Note: The idea of this package is from slappey, I only wanted to give it some upgrades..
📥 Installation
Type the following line into your console to install it:
$ npm install @koenie06/useless -g
🤨 What now?
As soon as you have installed the package, you can now run the command 'useless' in your terminal! After you've entered this command in the console, you will have to make some options. Do you want to create a bot? Or edit a existing one?
Creating a bot
If you've picked the option 'Create new Bot', you can pick your language and library you want to use. Now you only have to give some information about the bot's prefix etc.. After this, the package will automaticly do everything for you! Create the files, install the modules etc.. Have fun with your created bot!! 🤗
Editing a bot
If you didn't pick the 'Create new Bot' option, you can edit your bot! As example, create a new event/command or if you didn't pick the handler you want at the beginning.. This is your time! After you've chosen one of the following, you also have to give some information about it. Like.. The command's name or all the event's you want. And ofcourse, all your events/commands/handlers are created! Enjoy 🤗
Note: In the Eris project, the event creation is under construction.. Fixing this as soon as possible!
🆘 Contact Me!
Did you find any problems? Or something else is wrong? Contact me at discord! And I'll try to fix it.