Library used to sign http request as defined in https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-cavage-http-signatures-12
Knot HTTP Requests Signer
Library used to sign the HTTP request as defined in https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-cavage-http-signatures-12. More info on why we use it can be found here.
This project is written in TypeScript using Node.js 12 and targeting es2017. It MAY work for older versions of Node.js.
Install using npm:
npm install @knotcity/http-request-signer
You have a client and server example in the example/
Import the module in the same way as you do normally.
// JavaScript
const hrs = require('@knotcity/http-request-signer');
// TypeScript
import hrs = require('@knotcity/http-request-signer');
Generating a key
You can use the crypto module from Node.js to generate a key pair or the utility function in the package to generate an ec secp521r1
const keyPair = hrs.generateECKeyPair();
// Public key
// Private key
Signing a request
To sign a request you need to add the Authorization
header with the value given by the generateAuthorization
import http = require('http');
// Make a request using node's HTTP module, but you can also use other modules like axios
const req = http.request(...);
// Fetch the private key from somewhere safe
const privKey = "...";
// Generate the signature
const auth = hrs.generateAuthorization({
headers: req.getHeaders(),
method: req.method,
path: req.path
}, {
headers: ['date', '(request-target)', 'content-length'], // List of header to use in the signature
privateKey: privKey, // Private key
hash: 'sha256', // Hash to use
algorithm: 'ecdsa', // Algorithm used for the key
keyId: 'keyn1' // The key identifier (this is defined by you, to allow to find the public key matching the private key)
// Add signature to request
req.setHeader('authorization', auth);
Verifying a signature
The verification process is similar to the signature process as we collect the same info, but using the public key instead of the private key (as the server does not know the private key).
// Extract all components of the Authorization header
const components = hrs.parseAuthorizationHeader(req.headers.authorization);
// Here you would get the keyId from the components and fetch the matching public key
const pubKey = "...";
const valid = verifyAuthorization(components, {
headers: req.headers,
method: req.method || '',
path: req.url || ''
}, pubKey);
// Throws if the header cannot be parsed