A module for managing authorization in your nest application, using casl.
Use decorators everywhere to protect your controller methods.
npm install --save @knodes/nest-casl
Additionally, please make sure you have correct peer dependencies installed:
- @casl/ability:
- @nestjs/common:
- @nestjs/core:
- lodash:
- reflect-metadata:
- rxjs:
npm install @casl/ability@^5.0.0 @nestjs/common@^8.0.0 @nestjs/core@^8.0.0 lodash@^4.17.0 reflect-metadata@^0.1.13 rxjs@^7.0.0
In a nutshell
Declare a new service that converts the user of your request to a CASL ability:
import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
import { AbilityBuilder, PureAbility } from '@casl/ability';
import { CaslAbilityFactory } from '@knodes/nest-casl';
export class AbilityFactory implements CaslAbilityFactory {
// Here, `request` is the express or fastify request. You might get infos from it.
public createFromRequest( _request: unknown ): PureAbility {
const abilityBuilder = new AbilityBuilder( PureAbility );
abilityBuilder.can( 'feed', 'cat' );
abilityBuilder.can( 'hug', 'cat' );
abilityBuilder.can( 'pet', 'cat' );
abilityBuilder.cannot( 'rename', 'cat' );
return abilityBuilder.build();
Import the module:
import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { CaslModule } from '@knodes/nest-casl';
@Module( {
imports: [
CaslModule.withConfig( ( { abilityFactory: AbilityFactory } ) ),
// ....
} )
export class AppModule {}
Use decorators in your controller:
import { AbilityBuilder, PureAbility } from '@casl/ability';
import { Controller, Get } from '@nestjs/common';
import { InjectAbility, PoliciesMask, Policy } from '@knodes/nest-casl';
@Controller( '/cat/care' )
'pet': { action: 'pet', subject: 'cat' }
export class CatCareController {
// Okay, you can feed.
@Get( 'feed' )
@Policy( { action: 'feed', subject: 'cat' } )
public feed(){
// ...
// Well, I guess he won't bite.
@Get( 'hug' )
@Policy( { action: 'hug', subject: 'cat' } )
public hug(){
// ...
@Get( 'pet' )
public pet( @InjectAbility() ability: PureAbility ){
// ...
For more details and usage with guards, please refer to the guide.
@knodes/nest-casl is MIT licensed.