Auth module
This package was developed to make using auth types easier because:
- Login, verify with password, password
- Flexible use with Basic Auth
- Powerful use with Token Auth (JWT)
- Extended use, enhanced security with MFA (otp and qrcode)
npm i @knfs-tech/bamimi-auth
yarn add @knfs-tech/bamimi-auth
Importing Modules
const { Auth } = require("@knfs-tech/bamimi-auth");
Config file with type
module.exports = {
accessPassword: {
idFields: ['username'], // fields id to verify, you can use with multiple ['username', 'email']
pinField: ['password'] // field as password, you can use with other name field
tokenBasedToken: {
accessToken: {
secretKey: "",
options: {}
refreshToken: {
secretKey: "",
options: {},
multiple: false, // if you want to multiple refresh token, in case multiple device
use: false // if you want to use refresh token
useBlacklist: false, // if you want to black list to block token
// storage for save refresh token (in case using multiple) and use black list
storage: {
* @type {Enum("memory", "redis")}
type: "memory",
options: {} // if you redis, it is connection info of redis, In code we use ioredis
// fields of origin data to create token
fields: [
mfa: {
appName: "@knfs-tech/bamimi-auth",
fieldId: "id" // id for uri auth and Qrcode
you can check by
const { configType } = require("@knfs-tech/bamimi-auth");
Initializing the Authentication System
To initialize the authentication system, create an instance of the Auth class:
const auth = Auth.init();
const auth = Auth.init(config);
Using Authentication Functionalities
If Auth have been initialized, you can use instance and other file by
const auth = Auth.getAuth();
Now, let's explore how to use different authentication functionalities provided by the system with a specific example:
1. Authenticating with Basic Auth
Suppose you receive an HTTP request with Basic Authentication credentials in the Authorization header. You can authenticate the user with Basic Auth as follows:
const authorizationHeader = req.headers.authorization; // Get Authorization header from request
const userData = await getUserDataFromDatabase(); // Retrieve user data from your database
const isAuthenticated = await auth.verifyWithBasicAuth(userData, authorizationHeader);
2. Generating Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
Suppose you want to generate a QR code for MFA setup for a specific user. You can do it as follows:
const originalData = { id: "user_id_here" }; // User data for which MFA is to be set up
const qrCodeUrl = await auth.generateMFA(originalData, RETURN_TYPE.MFA.URL);
3. Verifying Password and Generating JWT Tokens
Suppose you want to verify a user's password and generate JWT tokens for authentication. You can do it as follows:
const originalData = { username: "example_user", password: "example_password" }; // User credentials
const comparisonData = { username: "example_user", password: "hashed_password_here" }; // User data from the database
const jwtTokens = await auth.verifyWithPassword(originalData, comparisonData, RETURN_TYPE.JWT.TOKEN);
const resultBasic = await auth.verifyWithPassword(originData, comparisonData) // return true or false
4. Generating One-Time Password (OTP)
Suppose you want to generate a one-time password for MFA verification. You can do it as follows:
const secretKey = "user_secret_key_here"; // Secret key for MFA
const oneTimePassword = await auth.generateOTP(secretKey);
Bamimi is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.