Mock Klient requests with fake responses
Klient Mock
This Klient extension allows you to mock Klient responses. That's means that you can work on an entrypoints even if it's not really ready yet.
Install package with your favorite package manager :
# With NPM
$ npm install @klient/mock
# With YARN
$ yarn add @klient/mock
Then import the extension in your code :
import Klient from '@klient/core';
// Register extension
import '@klient/mock';
// Build Klient instance
const klient = new Klient('...');
// See loaded extension
console.log(klient.extensions); // Print ["@klient/mock"]
import Klient from '@klient/core';
// Register extension
import '@klient/mock';
// Build Klient instance
const klient = new Klient(...);
// Mock a route - see Mock method doc for more details
req: { url: '/posts' }, // Request criterias
res: { status: 200, data: [] } // Mocked response
// Consume a mocked route
klient.request('/posts').then(response => {
console.log(response.data); // Print []
const klient = new Klient({
delay: 800, // Default response delay to apply to all responses (milliseconds)
mock: {
// This parameter is analyzed only on Klient instanciation
load: [
// Mock GET /posts
delay: 800, // Simulate response delay (milliseconds)
req: { url: '/posts' },
res: { status: 200, data: [] }
A mock is a fake response build for a request whose matches some criterias.
The mocked response must be an object contening at least the "status" property. It must contains only Axios object properties, that will be "normalized" by mock extension to a final Axios result. The returned status code determines if the request must be rejected or resolved (as Axios does).
To match a mock, the request config must contain all properties/values defined in criterias (it's not strict, request config can contains more properties not defined in criterias). The mock request url can contains dynamic parameters whoses will be treated separately of the rest of config, then they will be injected in mock response callback if match.
req: AxiosRequestConfig,
res: AxiosResponse | ((config: AxiosRequestConfig, parameters: object) => AxiosResponse)
}): Klient
// Can be multiple
mock(...Mocks): Klient
import Klient from '@klient/core';
// Register extension
import '@klient/mock';
// Build Klient instance
const klient = new Klient(...);
// Mock a route
req: { url: '/posts' }, // Request criterias
res: { status: 200, data: [] } // Mocked response
// Mock multiple routes
req: { url: '/posts', method: 'GET' },
res: { status: 200, data: [] }
req: { url: '/posts', method: 'POST' },
res: { status: 400, data: {...} }
// Mock complexe routes
delay: 600, // (milliseconds)
req: { url: '/posts', method: 'POST' },
// Use a callback to make complex response
res: (config) => {
// Simulate API validation errors
if (!config.data.title) {
return { status: 400, data: {...} };
return { status: 200, data: {...} };
// Mock routes with params
req: { url: '/posts/{id}', method: 'GET' },
// Use a callback to make complex response
res: (config, parameters) => {
// Simulate API not found
if (parameters.id !== '1') {
return {
status: 404,
data: {...}
return { status: 200, data: {...} };