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The Kitzen token repository offers an extensive and current database encompassing thousands of cryptocurrency tokens.
Projects, including Kitzen, utilize the token logos sourced from here.
Each token comes with a logo and the possibility of supplementary details, which are not accessible on-chain.
Maintaining this vast compilation is a communal endeavor, so contributions by adding your token are welcome.
Getting started
yarn add @kitzen/assets
You can access list of all metadata object just
import { AssetsMetadata, IAssetMetadata } from '@kitzen/assets';
const network = 'bitcoin';
const identifier = 'coin';
const asset: IAssetMetadata = AssetsMetadata.find((metadata: IAssetMetadata) => metadata.network === network && metadata.identifier === identifier);
Or you can access metadata of asset without iteration O(1) just by key:
import { AssetsMetadataObject, IAssetMetadata } from '@kitzen/assets';
const network = 'bitcoin';
const identifier = 'coin;
const asset: IAssetMetadata = AssetsMetadataObject[network][identifier];
This lib use semantic-release library.
Please, set valid commit message, to increment the right version
To increase path (x.y.Z) version
fix: your commit message...
To increase minor (x.Y.z) version
feat: your commit message...
To increase version (X.y.z) version
perf: your commit message...
- All logos must be in SVG format to avoid the need for mobile apps to support multiple image assets, which would significantly increase app size and frontend complexity
- All logos should have a fixed size of 36x36
We deeply appreciate the valuable contributions made by our community. To provide feedback or report bugs, kindly open a GitHub issue. For code contributions, explore our "Contributing" guidelines and become part of our open-source community.
Thank you to all the dedicated individuals who contribute; your passion drives our success. Together, we shape the future of web3 industry.