How to use
You can copy the files directly to a project based on each configuration's own readme.
The BETTER way to do this is to use git submodules. This will allow you to keep configurations up-to-date as they change in this repository.
git submodule
initialize by going into your project and running
# add submodule and define the master branch as the one you want to track
cd <your_project>
git submodule add -b master https://github.com/Kibibit/configurations.git
git submodule init
to update to the latest files, run this:
# update your submodule --remote fetches new commits in the submodules
# and updates the working tree to the commit described by the branch
git submodule update --remote --init
Initial cloning
to clone a project including all the submodules, run this command
git clone <your_repo> --recursive
npm dependency
run npm install --save-dev @kibibit/configurations
to install this as an npm dependency
point all your tools to <relative_root_folder>/node_modules/@kibibit/configurations/<config_filename>
to use these configurations.
in order to update the configurations to the latest version, just update the dependency's version.