## models
The provider is ultimately responsible for all function calls within the business logic. It generally includes (but is not limited to) two types of processing procedure.
In order to make a specific provider that actually supports a business scenario, A class who is inherit the 'Provider' class and implement Provide's interfaces should be provided.
Those implementations is aimed at provide the concrete usages to a remote service.
Processing procedure
there are two kinds of Processing procedure:
- hset: set an key-value pair of a scope
- receipt: include three method corresponding to three phases of transactions.
- hookPrepare
- commit
- abort
Provide's interfaces
Remote Service
Interface files in the directory ./src/remoteService can be used as references.
By the way, if the remote service is implemented using js/ts, you can also import these interfaces directly into the project.
- get operations
- balance(userIdentity, tokenSym)
check balance of the userIdentity
response should be the value string of user's balance{ "result": QUANTITY_NUMBER }
- scopes()
get all scopes in the service
response should be a list of all scopes{ "result": [ ... ] }
- hkeys(scope)
get all keys of a scope in the service
response should be a list of all keys in the scope{ "result": [ ... ] }
- hexist(scope, key)
check is the key are provided in the scope
response should indicates whether the key is exist{ "result": true/false }
- hget(scope, key)
get a value by given scope and key
response should be the value of given scope and key{ "result": VAL }
- hgetall(scope)
get a key-value pairs by given scope
response should be a map of all key-value pairs in the scope{ "result": { KEY: VAL, ... } }
- nonce()
get the count of all performed actions
generally, it is exactly equal to the nonce(starts at 1) or nonce(starts at 0) + 1
response should be the value of nonce{ "result": NONCE_VALUE }
- actions(start, limit)
get actions by given start position and limit
response should be the actions of the nonce from the start to start + limit{ "result": [ { nonce: NONCE_VALUE, action: ACTION_RECORD}] }
the structure of the action is given in the next chapterreceipt
- checkReceipt(receiptId)
get receipt by receiptId
{ "result": {id, status, creator, sym, quantity, receiver, tariff, create_at, update_at} }
- listReceipts(start, limit, option?, sort?)
get a list of receipts
option :{status?, creator?, sym?, receiver?}
sort :{quantity?, create_at?, update_at?}
[optional] validateSign : (login)
User side
- token
- [Optional] withdraw(userIdentity, tokenSym, quantity)
user withdraw token from layer 2 to layer 1
- [Optional] charge(userIdentity, tokenSym, quantity)
user charge tokens from layer 1 to layer 2
- transfer(from, to, tokenSym, quantity, memo)
user transfer tokens to another
- receipt
- createReceipt(receiptId, tokenSym, quantity)
pay tokens and create an receipt
- token
Game server side
- hset
- hset(scope, key, val)
set value by scope and key
- hinc(scope, key, val)
inc number value by scope and key
- hdel(scope, key)
del value by scope and key
- receipt
- commitReceipt(receiptId, receiver, texRate)
commit the receipt and send tokens to receiver and official accounts (by logic server)
- abortReceipt(receiptId, memo)
abort the receipt and return tokens (by logic server)
- hset