React hooks for https://socket.io/
Use socket.io with React, in hooks (React v16.8+).
$ yarn add use-socketio
In your code
useSocket hook
Listen to a specific event and trigger the according callback everytime there's one. This hooks doesn't trigger a rerender. You have to manage it yourself.
import { SocketIOProvider, useSocket } from "use-socketio";
const Twitter = () => {
const [tweets, setTweet] = useState([]);
const { socket, subscribe, unsubscribe } = useSocket("tweet", newTweet =>
setTweet([newTweet, ...tweets])
return tweets.length ? (
{tweets.map(tweet => (
<li key={tweet.id}>{tweet.text}</li>
) : (
<p>Actually waiting for the websocket server...</p>
const App = () => (
<SocketIOProvider url="http://localhost:3000" opts={socketIoOptions}>
<Twitter />
The socketio options to pass to the provider are available here: https://socket.io/docs/client-api/#new-Manager-url-options.
useLastMessage hook
Listen to the latest message received on a specific event name. This hook triggers a rerender so you don't have to.
import { SocketIOProvider, useLastMessage } from "use-socketio";
const Twitter = () => {
const { data: lastMessage, socket, subscribe, unsubscribe } = useLastMessage(
return <p>{lastMessage || "Waiting for some tweets"}</p>;
const App = () => (
<SocketIOProvider url="http://localhost:3000">
<Twitter />
Running some code
This project is built in typescript and provides an example of the hooks previously mentioned.
To run the example locally, you have to:
- clone the repo by running
$ git clone https://github.com/mfrachet/use-socketio
- installing the project dependencies by running
$ yarn install
inside the directory - In one terminal, run
$ yarn start:test-server
. This will start a nodejs server with a socketio server - In another terminal, run
$ yarn start
. This will start a web application interacting with the server - (Optionally) you can run the E2E test suites by opening another (a third) terminal and run
$ yarn e2e