Package to easily develop REST API following JSON API specification.
Package to easily develop REST API following JSON API specification.
First of all I created this to support development of Kernel Framework. Just like the rest of the packages that make up the framework, I make the most of other existing libraries that are well tested on a day-to-day basis. The idea is not to reinvent the wheel, just join the ideas in a lightweight framework (the focus is on the client side), simple to use and make the code on the front more beautiful and organized.
npm install @kernel-js/api
Class Directory
Common Class
Common Triggers Methods
Common Request Methods
Common Fetching Methods
Building Classes
Base Entity Class
É necessario criar uma classe que herdará e sobrescreverá os metodos dessa classa dentro da sua aplicação Essa mesma classe vai ser herdada pelas entidades da aplicação.
export default class Entity extends EntityManager {
async request (config) {
return Axios.request(config); // Você retornará a instancia do axios na sua aplicação
baseUrl() {
return ''
Aplication Entity Class
Você sobreescreverá os metodos de entity na sua aplication-entity (user) informando os dados e relacionamentos da mesma.
export default class Post extends Entity{
resourceName() {
return 'users';
fields() {
return ['name', 'email', 'subnick'];
relationshipNames() {
return ['company', 'owner'];
This library was developed by
- Gustavo Siqueira
- Bruno Santos
- Carlos Henrique Escouto
Please do! Check out our Contributing guidelines.
MIT © 2018-2018 Kernel JS