a password encryption library utilsiing scrypt
SHHH! is a small library for hashing sensitive data, such as passwords. It comes with a similar to the bcrypt npm package, but utilises scrypt which is built into the node crypto library. It comes in two variations, depending on your preferred method of utilising a library.
Method 1
import shhh from "@kerimhudson/shhh";
const { hash, compare } = shhh("PEPPER"); // you can add an optional pepper here if you'd want a bit more security
const user = { email: "john@mail.com", password: "supersecretpassword" };
const hashedPassword = hash(user.password); // returns hashed password, utilising the pepper if provided
const isSamePassword = compare(user.password, hashedPassword); // returns true
Method 2
import { hash, compare } from "@kerimhudson/shhh";
const user = { email: "john@mail.com", password: "supersecretpassword" };
const pepper = "PEPPER";
const hashedPassword = hash(user.password, pepper); // returns hashed password, utilising the pepper if provided
const isSamePassword = compare(user.password, hashedPassword, pepper); // returns true
Use of the pepper
is entirely optional. Some argue that it allows for a slightly hardened security as it includes a value that is not within the database. If you do use the pepper
, store this value outside of the database, for example as an environment variable.
- I'm by no means an expert in cryptography. You can read more about what scrypt is here
- This project is open to contributions