This package allows for send/receive and publish/subscribe pattern messaging over RabbitMQ.
A pluggable microservice messaging framework built on top of amqp.
This package allows for send/receive and publish/subscribe pattern messaging over RabbitMQ.
Let's say we're building 2 services.
Process 1
const BunnyHop = require('bunnyhop');
/* Give your service a name. This step is required.
Here we are not passing in options so it uses the defaults.
Notice there is no new keyword.
const bus = BunnyHop('user')
// This goes out to every service subscribed to 'event.user.created'.
// If service has multiple processes or instances, only one of the instances picks the message up (round robin)
bus.publish('event.User.Created', {
username: 'goku'
// Tell a service listening on 'cmd.payment.create' to do something. `send` is
// typically only used for commands, and thus the targer service can reject your command,
// or send you back a response.
bus.send('cmd.Payment.Create', {
card: '4111-1111-1111-111x'
/* OR you can make RPC calls with the sync: true option, which return a promise */
async function sampleRPC () {
try {
const returnValueFromRemote = await bus.send('cmd.Domain.DoSomething', { sampleData: 1 }, { sync: true })
catch (err) {
console.error(`${err.message} is an actual error`);
In order to do a timeout with an RPC call, use the timeoutMs option along with { sync: true }
NOTE: Timeouts only work for sync calls and will be ignored otherwise
async sampleTimeoutRPC () {
// Timeout if DoSomething doesn't reply within 10 milliseconds
try {
await bus.send('cmd.Domain.DoSomething', { sampleData: 1}, { sync: true, timeoutMs: 10 })
} catch (err) {
assert(err.name === 'TimeoutError');
assert(err.message === 'Operation Timed Out.');
Process 2
const BunnyHop = require('bunnyhop');
// The service name will affect routing behaviour, so make sure it's unique in your system
const bus = BunnyHop('payment')
const { User, Payment} = require('./path/to/libs');
// Notice you can't respond back to publisher.
bus.subscribe('event.User.Created', async (message) => {
// Payload is in 'content' property
const { username } = message.content;
const user = await User.findByUsername(username);
if (username === 'goku') {
/* OR Subscribe to a pattern (Only works for subscribe) */
bus.subscribe('Event.User.*', () => {}); // Gets 'Event.User.Created' and 'Event.User.Deleted' ...
bus.subscribe('Event.#', () => {}); // Gets all Events (see Topic Tutorial: https://www.rabbitmq.com/tutorials/tutorial-five-javascript.html)
bus.listen('cmd.Payment.Create', async (msg) => {
// if error is thrown (or promise is rejected), the error gets sent back to the sender
await Payment.create(msg.content);
// If you return something, it will make its way back to the sender too
Or turn OFF auto acknowledgement and manually tell the sender you've received the message.
autoAck: false adds the `ack()` and `reject()` handles on the message
bus.listen('A.B.C', (msg) => {
if (something) {
// Tell bus you've received the message was successfully processed. Don't Resend.
} else {
// Delivery wasn't processed but still should be deleted anyway. Maybe validation failed or something.
}, { autoAck: false })
// same goes for subscribe
bus.subscribe('A.*.C', () => {}, { autoAck: false });
You can provide custom options when initializing BunnyHop.
Top-level options exposed by BunnyHop:
| options | description | default |
| engine | Another engine to replace the AMQP DefaultEngine | DefaultEngine |
| url | AMQP URL to connect to | 'amqp://localhost'
| serialization | manager to use for serializing and deserializing messages | require('./lib/serialization/json')
| connectionManager | manager to use for handling connection to AMQP server | require('./lib/connectionManager')
| onHandlerSuccess| function with signature is onHandlerSuccess({} Result, ...{} OriginalHandlerArguments) called when listen/subscribe handler completes.| undefined |
| onHandlerError| function with signature onHandlerError(Error) called when listen/subscribe throws an error/returns rejected promise | undefined |
The onHandlerSuccess
does not affect return values of the handler. It is purely a side effect.
The onHandlerError
hooks CONSUMES the error. Errors will not propagate unless you throw them again
Top-level options exposed by the Default Engine:
| options | description | default |
| errorFormatter | function to format Error
into JSON | error => _.pick(error, ['message', 'code', 'details']
| topicExchange | The exchange name to use for publish
| 'amq.topic'
| directExchange | The exchange name to use for send
| 'amq.direct'
| rpcReplyQueue | The queue to reply to when doing RPC calls via send's sync: true
option | 'rpcReplyQueue'
| subscriptionQueue | The queue name subscribers of one service share | ${serviceName}_subscription
Top-level options exposed by the Local Engine:
| options | description | default | |---------|-------------|---------| | | | |
BunnyHop('service_name', { url: 'amqp://cloud-amqp-provider:1234', customOption: 1 }
Plugins and Engines
The interface to send
is fixed.
In order to provide some flexibility to the developer, BunnyHop models a pipeline of functions that are run after calling those function.
These functions can be either a plugin
or an engine
. An engine
is simply the last plugin in the pipeline.
Given the following desired behaviour:
add correlation id to message > add date to message > log message > publish message
You can use a pipline like:
CorrelationPlugin > DatePlugin > LogPlugin > DefaultEngine
Configuring Plugins and Engines
Plugins are defined similar to connect
or express
middleware. You can simply use use
when initializing:
const bus = BunnyHop('my_service')
To use another engine, supply the engine
configuration parameter
Legacy Support: You can also use the engine
function (deprecated):
const bus = BunnyHop('your_service')
Included Engines
- DefaultEngine: Sends messages usinq message queues (over AQMP)
- LocalEngine: Sends messages in local memory by directly calling destination function
Using The Local Engine
The local engine operates WITHOUT RabbitMQ and directly calls listeners or subscribers for every send or publish (respectively).
const BunnyHop = require('bunnyhop');
const LocalEngine = BunnyHop.Engines.LocalEngine;
const bus = BunnyHop('payment', { engine: LocalEngine, connectionManager: LocalEngine.ConnectionManager });
This is often useful to write unit tests for your bunnyhop services!!!
Included Plugins
When doing synchronous calls, you can optionally add a timeout rejection if your RPC call is time-sensitive
for example if doSomething()
returns a resolved promise after 1000ms, but you want to time out the RPC call after 500ms, you can do the following:
const rpcPromise = bus.send('A.B.doSomething', { some: 'inputData' }, { sync: true, timeoutMs: 500 })
// after 500 ms, rpcPromise is Rejected with TimeoutError
If your bunnyhop client RECEIVES the RPC result in less than 500ms, the rpcPromise
resolves as usual
It is highly recommended to use this as the last plugin in your plugin chain for timing accuracy because other internal middleware may affect response times of your timeouts
Note that both the sync and timeoutMs options have to be set for timeoutes to work
Correlate simply adds a random .properties.correlationId
(Correlation Identity) property to any outgoing message that do not already have one. This is useful for following messages in logs across services.
Logger ensures that incoming and outgoing messages are logged to stdout via the debug module. (Use this in non-high throughput scenarios, otherwise you'll have some very quickly growing logs)
Package repackages messages, encapsulating the original message as a .data
property and adding additional properties for information like message type and time message was issued and observed by our system
// bus.publish('event.domain.somethingHappened', { my: 'event' });
{ my: 'event' }
data: { my: 'event' },
dateIssued: "2017-06-05T19:10:01.945Z",
type: "event.domain.sometingHappened"
// bus.listen or bus.subscribe('event.domain.somethingHappened', ...)
{ my: 'event' }
// date processed is the date the message was observed by the receiving system
dateProcessed: "2017-06-05T19:10:01.945Z",
data: { my: 'event' }
type: 'event.domain.somethingHappened'
Notice How on the receive side, if the message doesn't already have a `dateIssued`, we do not generate one. We do, however, add a `dateProcessed` property.
If you use package on the send AND receive side, the receive side will assume the message is prepackaged if it has `data`, `dateIssued` and `type` in `message.content` and `message.content.data` as the data payload.
Otherwise, it will use `message.content` as the payload.
Date Parser
A date parser plugin, which parses date strings into dates for incoming messages, is available in a standalone repo
A Note on Plugin Ordering
The plugin ordering when using use
matters. Given
const bus = BunnyHop('my_service')
Assuming all plugins have pre-engine and post-engine behaviour, the given setup will behave as follows:
Plugin 3
Plugin 2
Plugin 1
Plugin 1
Plugin 2
Plugin 3
If it looks like a call stack, it's because it is. The pipeline is functionally composed and
plugins have a next
function to hand off control to the next function in the pipeline
(see Custom Plugins) below
Writing a Custom Plugin
It is easy to write a custom plugin. just define a file with the following signature
function MyPlugin (pluginAPI) {
const log = pluginAPI.getPluginLogger();
// This is pretty useful for debuggin, so make sure to put it in.
log.info('Using My Plugin');
return {
send: next =>
(routingKey, message, options) => {
return next(routingKey, message, options);
listen: next =>
async (routingKey, listenFn, options) => {
const returnVal = await next(routingKey, listenFn, options);
// Use returnVal or fire and forget (no await)
return returnVal
publish: next =>
(routingKey, message, options) => {
next(routingKey, message, options);
/* subscribe <- Only define the hooks you need! */
module.exports = MyPlugin;
The Plugin API
You may have notice the plugin gets a pluginAPI
as the first argument. Every plugin gets that and
can use it to modify its own behaviour. Valid API functions are
getChannel(); // Gets the open channel to the AMQP server
getConnection (); // Gets the open connection to AMQP server
getInitialOptions (); // Gives you access to the options provided at the top level to bunnyhop
getServiceName (); // Simply returns the service name bunnyhop was initialized with
getPluginLogger (); // Gets the logger with `info`, `error`, and `debug` defined
To configure your custom plugin, you can read custom options from the bunnyhop intiialization options
using getInitialOptions ()
just wrap your plugin in another function which configures it like so:
function CatPluginInitializer (pluginOptions = { cat: 'white' }) {
return function CatPlugin(pluginAPI) {
const log = pluginAPI.getPluginLogger();
return {
send: next =>
(routingKey, message, options) => {
if (pluginOptions.cat === 'white') {
log.info('Using white cat mode');
return next(routingKey, message,options);
// ...
And now when you're instantiating BunnyHop you can call the customizer
const bus = BunnyHop('my_service')
.use(CatPlugin({ cat: 'green' }))
Writing a Custom Engine
If you choose to write a custom engine, you must do everything required to communicate to the AMQP server.
The engine is the last plugin in the chain, so there is no next
Some things to consider for your engine:
- serialization and deserialization
- Error formatting
- Options to read (expose) from global BunnyHop options
- Asserting Channels, Queues, and Exchanges
For More details, see the default engine in ./lib/engines/default.engine.js
Structured Handler Registration
You probably don't want to write your bunnyhop listen and subscribe handlers file for every project, so I've made a helper package to provide some structure and convention around how you define listen
and subscribe
Check out https://github.com/autolotto/bunnyhop-handler for more details.