## This module wraps helper functions around mongodb native connector to simplify development
This module wraps helper functions around mongodb native connector to simplify development
- Requires
- Basic Initialization
const Mongo = require('@kelchy/mongo')
const mongo = new Mongo(process.env.MONGO_URI)
where MONGO_URI looks something like
- supported methods and functions
readPreference() - returns an object used to set readPreference when initializing the client
objectId(id) - wraps "id" as an objectId used in mongodb _id
class methods:
database(db) - sets the instance to use "db" as the database
admin() - returns methods to perform admin functionality
createCollection(name, options) - creates a collection "name" with an optional "validator"
showCollections() - returns all collections in the current database
find(collection, query, options) - performs a find on "collection" using "query" with options ()
aggregate(collection, query, options) - performs an aggregate on "collection" using "query" with options ()
insert(collection, query, options) - performs an insert on "collection" using "query" with options ()
update(collection, query, operation, options) - performs an update on "collection" using "query" + "operation" with options ()
delete(collection, query, options) - performs a delete on "collection" using "query" with options ()
lock(key, ttl, options) - perform a key-value distributed lock on current database, with optional value
unlock(key, options) - unlock a previous distributed lock