TypeScript Express.js backend boilerplate on AWS Lambda
Typescript Server Boilerplate on AWS Lambda
Production-ready Node.js v20 TypeScript app using MongoDB. Deployable to AWS Lambda using AWS SAM.
Compatible with Node.js >=19
This project does not use experimental flags such as --es-module-specifier-resolution
or any custom loaders. Instead all TypeScript files have .js
extensions in their import
Table of Contents
- ES2022: transpiles to ES2022 modules
- Static Typing: TypeScript static typing using typescript
- Hot Reloading: Concurrently Hot realoding with concurrently
- NoSQL database: MongoDB object data modeling using Mongoose
- Authentication and authorization: using passport
- Validation: request data validation using Joi
- Logging: using winston and morgan
- Testing: unit and integration tests using Vitest
- Error handling: centralized error handling mechanism
- API documentation: automatic OpenAPI spec generation with decorators from tsoa, served with swagger-ui-express
- Dependency injection: with InversifyJS
- Package management: with Yarn
- Environment variables: using dotenv and cross-env and AWS Secrets Manager
- Security: set security HTTP headers using helmet
- Santizing: sanitize request data against xss and query injection
- CORS: Cross-Origin Resource-Sharing enabled using cors
- Compression: gzip compression with compression
- AWS Lambda: IaC with AWS SAM
- CI: continuous integration with GitHub CI
- Git hooks: with husky and lint-staged
- Linting: with ESLint and Prettier
- Editor config: consistent editor configuration using EditorConfig
- Structured Commit Messages: with Commitizen
- Commit Linting: with CommitLint
Quick start
To clone this project, run:
npx @kazize/create-ts-starter-1
npm init @kazize/ts-starter-1
and follow the prompts to setup the project.
Open .env
and modify the environment variables (if needed).
Make sure you have MongoDB running locally. Then:
yarn dev
More steps:
- initialise your own fresh repository with
git init
Manual Installation
Clone the repo.
Install the dependencies:
yarn install
Set the environment variables:
cp .env.example .env
Open .env
and modify the environment variables (if needed).
Make sure you have MongoDB running locally. Then:
yarn dev
More steps:
- remove the existing
folder - rename the project folder from
to something else, remove other references tots-starter-1
and elsewhere. - initialise your own fresh repository with
git init
Husky Setup
After you have initialised your own fresh git repository, install the Husky git hooks provided with project.
yarn run husky install
Now husky tasks should run on git commit
AWS Lambda Deployment
Make sure you have AWS and SAM CLIs installed locally.
Make sure you have MongoDB running on a cloud.
(Optional) Update the following in config
object in package.json
if necessary.
- s3BucketName
- region
- cloudFormationStackName
Create AWS Secrets Manager secrets like so:
- ts-starter-1/prod/JWT:secret
- ts-starter-1/prod/MONGODB_URL:url
If you change the prefix in the secrets above from ts-starter-1
to something else, then update them in sam-template.yaml
as well.
Finally, run the following. Warning, this will create an S3 bucket and a CloudFormation Stack on your configured AWS account.
yarn setup