Kartotherian service to generate geometric shapes from PostgreSQL data
Kartotherian service to generate geometric shapes from PostgreSQL data
See https://github.com/kartotherian/kartotherian
To configure, add geoshapes
section to the kartotherian configuration with the following parameters:
host: localhost
database: gis
table: planet_osm_polygon
user: ...
password: ...
maxidcount: (int, optional, default=500) - Maximum number of IDs to allow per request
allowUserQueries: (bool, optional, default=false) - If true, allow sql parameter + args to specify which SQL to use
wikidataQueryService: (string, optional, default=https://query.wikidata.org/bigdata/namespace/wdq/sparql) - Lets user get a list of WikidataIDs from an external Wikidata Query Service. if false, disables.
Without this config block, the service will skip its loading
Make sure to create a Postgres index, e.g.:
CREATE INDEX planet_osm_polygon_wikidata
ON planet_osm_polygon ((tags -> 'wikidata'))
WHERE tags ? 'wikidata';
Service will return topojson to the queries such as /geoshape?ids=Q1384,Q1166
(get New York and Michigan state shapes).
Save result as a file and upload to http://www.mapshaper.org/ to visualize.
Additionally, the service allows query=...
parameter to get the Wikidata IDs from the http://query.wikidata.org service. It calls the service to execute
a query, extracts IDs, and matches them with the shapes in the OSM database. All other values are returned as topojson object properties.
Optional truthy parameter getgeojson=1
will force the result to be returned as geojson rather than topojson.