Runs front-end mocha tests using puppeteer
Web Tester
Runs front-end mocha tests using puppeteer
The web tester should always be installed as a local dependency, and the binary using npm scripts.
This ensures that the required tools are a dependency of your project
Install with:
yarn add --dev @kano/web-tester
Place your test files in a directory e.g. test
. web-tester wil look for all .js files in a given directory.
Run your tests with either:
# run tests with puppeteer and print the results to the console
web-tester run **/*test.js
# Serve a web page that runs the tests
web-tester serve **/*test.js
# Generate a coverage report
web-tester cover **/*test.js
You can create a .web-tester.conf.json
to configure both mocha and puppeteer:
"mocha": {
"ui": "tdd"
"puppeteer": {
"slowMo": 1000
In your package.json add a test script as follow to automate your tests
"scripts": {
"test-ci": "web-tester run ./test -r xunit > test-results.xml"
: Specifiy which port to use. Default: 8000
: Run puppeteer in no-headless mode. Displays the browser. Default: false
| |--reporter
, -r
: Sepecify which reporter to use, spec
or xunit
. Default: spec
: Run puppeteer in no-headless mode. Displays the browser. Default: false
| |--reporter
, -r
: Specify which reporter to use. All istanbul reporters are available. An additional markdown
reporter is available to generate a markdown summary table. You can add multiple reports. Default: text-summary
The default assertion library is assert
from chai
. You can access it with:
import { assert } from '@kano/web-tester/helpers.js';
assert.equal(2, 2);
The fixture
helper allows you to prepare HTML Templates, access their elements directly and takes care of adding/removing them from the DOM automatically:
import { fixture } from '@kano/web-tester/helpers.js';
const basic = fixture`
suite('my-el', () => {
test('constructor', () => {
// Returns the first element in the fixture.
// These will be removed at the end of the test
const el1 = basic();
const el2 = basic();