> TODO: description
Components and functions to provide the ability to add different locales to apps.
The language provider should sit at the top level of your app and can take in the following props.
- locale: string - The current locale, this can be a 2 (fr) or 5 (en-US) character language specifier
- messages?: LocaleMessages - The apps loaded translated messages object compiled by the apps i18n.js file located at
import LanguageProvider from '@kano/kbc-intl';
import { translationMessages } from './i18n';
<LanguageProvider locale="de" messages={translationMessages}>
<App />
Defines a components locale messages.
For a given component if this component requires translations you should create a messages.ts
within that components directory which would include the below message definitions.
I.e. ./src/components/Navbar/messages.ts
import { defineMessages } from 'react-intl';
export const scope = 'components.Navbar';
export default defineMessages({
challenges: {
id: `${scope}.home`,
defaultMessage: 'Home',
userProfile: {
id: `${scope}.userProfile`,
defaultMessage: 'Made with love by {user}.',
Rendering intl messages within components/containers
Using the FormattedMessage
component will display a given message from your messages.ts
file in the selected current active language.
You will also notice a more complex use of FormattedMessage
for the author message where alternate or variable values (i.e. author: <A href="https://twitter.com/mxstbr">Max Stoiber</A>,
) are being injected, in this case it's a react component.
import React from 'react';
import messages from './messages';
import A from 'components/A';
import styles from './styles.css';
import { FormattedMessage } from 'react-intl';
function Navbar() {
return (
<nav className={styles.footer}>
<FormattedMessage {...messages.Home} />
user: <A href="https://twitter.com/00Jams">Jams Bond</A>,
export default Navbar;
Another way to render messages is by using a higher order component to pass intl
object to props and then use the intl.formatMessage
to pass messages as string props to components, see below for example:
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { injectIntl, IIntlShape, IInjectIntlChildProps } from 'react-intl';
import messages from './messages';
import { NavbarItem } from './NavLink';
// Pass types via the shape
interface NavbarProps {
intl: IIntlShape;
// Or Extend using the IInjectIntlChildProps
interface NavbarProps extends IInjectIntlChildProps {}
class NavbarC extends Component<NavbarProps> {
render() {
const { intl } = this.props;
return (
<div className="navbar">
<div className="row">
<div className="navbar__children">
<NavbarItem text={intl.formatMessage({...messages.home})} />
export const Navbar = injectIntl(NavbarC);