a scalable state container module
A scalable state container module
import { createContext } from './src/core';
// creates a context instance
const context = createContext({
init: obj
Initial Config
required <object>
Initial value of the state.
optional <object>
Defines several functions which receives the previous state and perhaps, more parameters, returns part of the next state.
optional <object>
Like those in actions, this is a set of named functions which computes the state too. However, it only contains
s, usually depending on network requests or timers.adapters
optional <object>
Defines several functions which returns a value computed from the current state. WARNING: a method of adapters must be named as
optional <object>
Describes several functions which may brings payload. Their name will be the event name used when trigger an emitting.
Methods to generate a new action to update the state. It includes three kind of methods -
- Common Actions
These methods are all named as the functions passed to createContext()
as actions
when the context is initialized.
Actions generated from these methods will be batched to fewer updates, thus the update and the return value of the method called is async.
const context = createContext({
init: initialState,
actions: {
plus: (s, n: number = 1) => ({
num: s.num + n
// The two calling as follow will be batched as one update, they both return a Promise instance
- Synchronized Actions
These methods are derivate ones corresponding to each Common Action.
A method named foo
will generate a synchronized caller fooSync
(concat with a -Sync
suffix). Unlike Common Actions, calling a Synchronized Actions will always causes an update. The state will be immediately updated and so will the listeners be triggered.
A Synchronized Action returns a snapshot of the updated state.
const context = createContext({
init: initialState,
actions: {
plus: (s, n: number = 1) => ({
num: s.num + n
// The two calling as follow will both cause a new update and return an immediate value
- ASync Actions
An Async Action is an AsyncFunction
which will return a partial state.
These methods are all named as the functions passed to createContext()
as asyncActions
when the context is initialized. Like Common Actions, dispatching of Async Actions will be batched.
const context = createContext({
init: initialState,
asyncActions: {
asyncPlus: async (getState, id: string) => {
const num = await get(`/xxx?id=${id}`).then(res => res.data);
return {
num: getState().num + num
Computed values.
These methods are all named from the functions passed to createContext()
as adapters
when the context is initialized. A method named getVal
will generate a getter val
(removed the get-
prefix and uncapitalized).
const context = createContext({
init: initialState,
adapters: {
getDoubleNum: s => {
return s.num2;
const { doubleNum } = context.computed;
emit(eventName[, payload])
Emits an event, may be bound with a payload.
An emitting will not cause unknown change of the state.
const context = createContext({
init: initialState,
emitters: {
xxxEvent: () => 0,
numEvent: (num: number) => 0
context.emit('numEvent', 2);
listen(eventName, callback)
Appends a listener.
Callback will be triggered when the corresponding event is emitted.
const context = createContext({
init: initialState,
emitters: {
xxxEvent: () => 0,
numEvent: (num: number) => 0
context.listen('xxxEvent', () => {
console.log('xxxEvent is emitted');
context.listen('numEvent', num => {
console.log(`numEvent is emitted, payload is ${num}`);
once(eventName, callback)
Appends a listener which will be unmounted after the callback is triggered.
const context = createContext({
init: initialState,
emitters: {
xxxEvent: () => 0,
numEvent: (num: number) => 0
context.once('xxxEvent', () => {
console.log('xxxEvent is emitted');
context.once('numEvent', num => {
console.log(`numEvent is emitted, payload is ${num}`);
Returns the readonly snapshot of the current state.
Appends a listener, the callback will be triggered when the state is updated.
The optional second parameter is an array including several getters/adapters. Only when a member in the array changed after an update will the callback be called.
context.subscribe(() => {
// this will be called when the state is updated
console.log('called 1');
context.subscribe(() => {
// this will only be called when state.name OR state.inner.id is changed
console.log('called 2');
}, [s => s.name, s => s.inner.id]);
context.subscribe(() => {
// this is INVALID since the callback can NEVER be called
console.log('called 3');
}, []);
Time-travel methods.
Returns the state at the idx-th version.
This will NOT apply any changes to the state.
Resets the state to the idx-th version.
Calling clearForward()
or making any updating will delete all the records in front of the idx-th version.
Resets the state to the certain version from the current one. Version moves forward if idx
is positive.
Calling clearForward()
or making any updating will delete all the records in front of the idx-th version.
Resets the state to the previous version of the current one.
Calling clearForward()
or making any updating will delete all the records in front of the target version.
Resets the state to the next version of the current one.
Calling clearForward()
or making any updating will delete all the records in front of the target version.
travel.backFor([actionName, ]count)
Resets the state back to the version in which the given action is dispatched.
Calling clearForward()
or making any updating will delete all the records in front of the target version.
travel.backTill([actionName, ]count)
Resets the state back right before a version in which the given action is dispatched.
Calling clearForward()
or making any updating will delete all the records in front of the target version.
travel.forwardFor([actionName, ]count)
Resets the state forward to the version in which the given action is dispatched.
Calling clearForward()
or making any updating will delete all the records in front of the target version.
travel.forwardTill([actionName, ]count)
Resets the state forward right before a version in which the given action is dispatched.
Calling clearForward()
or making any updating will delete all the records in front of the target version.
Resets the state to the latest version, if the current version is moved back and not overwritten.
Deletes all the versions in front of the current version.
Removes a listener.