Kaleyra Video module for react native.
Kaleyra Video React Native Module
Our machine development setup
ruby = 2.7.6
node >= v18
react-native >= 0.74.x
yarn >= 1.22.17
Minimum requirements
- Android 21+, gradle 8+, kotlin 1.9+
- iOS 15+, swift 5.x
How to run the example
Execute the following commands from the repository root folder
yarn prepack
yarn link
cd example
# nano .env use your own keys
yarn link @kaleyra/video-react-native-module
yarn pods
yarn start
yarn ios
yarn android
Reset react native build cache
react-native start --reset-cache
How to install the module:
Open the terminal in your React-Native-App folder and run the following commands
npm install @kaleyra/video-react-native-module
Android additional configuration may be required (depends on your integration)
- add tools:replace="android:allowBackup" to AndroidManifest.xml. See here for an example
- add maven { url 'https://maven.bandyer.com/releases' } in build.gradle. See here for an example
Standalone iOS framework
In case your application already provides the WebRTC framework in a third party module, a conflict may arise when trying to install the dependencies through Cocoapods.
In order to resolve the conflict you can download and install the Kaleyra Video iOS framework as a standalone package.
To enable the standalone framework you must change your application's Podfile declaring the $KaleyraNoWebRTC
variable before the first target definition. You can give whatever value you want to the variable as long as it is defined before the target definitions.
platform :ios, min_ios_version_supported
$KaleyraNoWebRTC = ''
target 'KaleyraVideoReact' do
config = use_native_modules!
# Flags change depending on the env values.
flags = get_default_flags()
[!CAUTION] Use the standalone framework only as a last resort in case you have a WebRTC framework conflict. Because we cannot guarantee that the WebRTC framework you are using is compatible with our SDK, you are responsible for assess the compatibility with our module. However, WebRTC versions greater than or equal to M100 should work fine.
How to remove the module:
npm uninstall @kaleyra/video-react-native-module
How to use the Kaleyra Video module in your React Native app
You can refer to the Kaleyra Video module in your React Native app via
Module setup
The first thing you need to do is to configure the module specifying your keys and your options.
Configure params
var kaleyraVideo = KaleyraVideo.configure({
environment: Environments.sandbox(), // production()
appID: 'mAppId_xxx', // your mobile appId
region: Regions.europe(), // india(), us()
logEnabled: true, // enable the logger
tools: { // by default no tools will be set
chat: {
audioCallOption: {
recordingType: RecordingType.NONE, // NONE, MANUAL or AUTOMATIC
videoCallOption: {
recordingType: RecordingType.NONE, // NONE, MANUAL or AUTOMATIC
fileShare: true,
whiteboard: true,
screenShare: {
inApp: true, // screenshare only the app
wholeDevice: true // screenshare the whole device
feedback: true
// optional you can set one or more of the following capabilities, by default callkit is enabled
iosConfig: {
voipHandlingStrategy: VoipHandlingStrategy.AUTOMATIC, // implement to be able to receive voips
callkit: {
enabled: true, // enable callkit on iOS 10+
appIconName: "logo_transparent", // optional but recommended
ringtoneSoundName: "custom_ringtone.mp3" // optional
If screenShare.wholeDevice is set to true look here for the required additional setup.
Module listen for errors/events
To listen for events and/or errors register Check the documentation here for a complete list.
kaleyraVideo.events.onCallModuleStatusChanged = (status: String) => {};
iOS - VoIP Notifications
Setup required for VoIP notifications
If you desire to use VoIP notifications on iOS platform as first thing you should configure kaleyraVideo passing a config object as follow:
var kaleyraVideo = KaleyraVideo.configure({
iosConfig: {
voipHandlingStrategy: VoipHandlingStrategy.AUTOMATIC,
The iOS project requires a little setup for use VoIP notifications. Here you can find a description of how the project should be configured.
Listening for VoIP push token
In order to get your device push token, you must listen for the KaleyraVideo.events.iOSVoipPushTokenUpdated event registering a callback as follows:
// The token is received in this listener only after calling kaleyraVideo.connect(_)
kaleyraVideo.events.oniOSVoipPushTokenUpdated = (token: string) => {
// register the VoIP push token on your server
Warning: Make sure this listener is attached before calling kaleyraVideo.connect(_), otherwise the event reporting the device token could be missed.
The token provided in the callback is the string representation of your device token. Here's an example of a device token: dec105f879924349fd2fa9aa8bb8b70431d5f41d57bfa8e31a5d80a629774fd9
VoIP notification payload
Here you can find an example of how your VoIP notifications payload should be structured.
Module connect
To connect the plugin to the Kaleyra Video system you will need to provide a Session object. The session needs a userID and a function returning a promise with the access token for that user.
- The userID should aready exists in our service. Your backend needs to create it by invoking this api create_user
- The accessToken should be generated from your backend by invoking this api get_credentials. Be aware that it expires. The callback will be called multiple times every time a new token is needed to refresh the user session.
userID: "usr_xxx",
accessTokenProvider(userId: string): Promise<string> {
// get token for user_xxx and invoke success or error depending on the result
return Promise.resolve("jwt_xxx");
Start a call
To make a call you need to specify some params.
Start call params
callees: ['usr_yyy','usr_zzz'], // an array of user ids of the users you want to call
callType: CallType.AUDIO_VIDEO, // AUDIO, AUDIO_UPGRADABLE or AUDIO_VIDEO - the type of the call you want to start
recordingType: RecordingType.NONE // NONE, MANUAL or AUTOMATIC
Start call with URL
Start a chat
To make a chat you need to specify some params.
Start chat params
kaleyraVideo.startChat('usr_yyy');// the user_id of the user you want to create a chat with
Set user details
This method will allow you to set your user details DB from which the sdk will read when needed to show the information.
Be sure to have this always up to date, otherwise if an incoming call is received and the user is missing in this set the user ids will be printed on the UI.
{userID: "usr_yyy", name: "User1Name", imageUrl: "https://www.example.com/user1image.png"},
{userID: "usr_zzz", name: "User2Name", imageUrl: "https://www.example.com/user2image.png"},
Remove all user details
This method will allow you to remove all the user info from the local app DB.
Remove all the cached info in preferences and DBs
Android change display mode
This method is useful for use-cases where you need to show a prompt and don't want it to be invalidated by the call going into pip. For example: if you wish to show fingerprint dialog you should first put the current call in background, execute the fingerprint validation and then put back the call in foreground.
kaleyraVideo.setDisplayModeForCurrentCall(CallDisplayMode.FOREGROUND); // FOREGROUND, FOREGROUND_PICTURE_IN_PICTURE or CallDisplayMode.BACKGROUND
iOS Broadcast Screen sharing
To enable whole device screen share is required and additional setup. Open the iOS Xcode project of your React Native application and follow this guide. After completing the procedure described in the guide above you need to add to your Podfile this lines:
target 'KaleyraVideoReact' do
pod 'BandyerBroadcastExtension'
target 'BroadcastExtension' do
pod 'BandyerBroadcastExtension'
Furthermore, to allow a correct configuration of the SDK it is necessary to:
- create a file called "KaleyraVideoConfig.plist"
- add it to the same target of the application. (and NOT to the Extension)
- set Extension Minimum Deployments to match the version of the Application
This file must have the following content:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
<string><!-- PUT HERE THE BUNDLE ID OF YOUR APP GROUP --></string>
iOS Notifications
The module supports on_call_incoming notification. You will need to set the voipHandlingStrategy and subscribe to iOSVoipPushTokenUpdated event to receive the voip token to use on your backend to notify the plugin.
Be aware that notifications VOIP notifications are different compared to push. They must be always handled by ensuring the invocation of the configure and connect methods in index.js or App.js.
Android Notifications
When recevied a on_call_incoming or on_message_sent notification you just need to configure and connect the plugin and it will automatically show the notification.
# Bandyer now Kaleyra proprietary SDK
-keep class com.bandyer.** { *; }
-keep interface com.bandyer.** { *; }
-keep enum com.bandyer.** { *; }
-keep class com.kaleyra.** { *; }
-keep interface com.kaleyra.** { *; }
-keep enum com.kaleyra.** { *; }
The API documentation is available on the github pages link: https://kaleyravideo.github.io/VideoReactNativeModule/