React-Modal hook
React Modal hook
A simple React hook for modals.
About this package
It is common practice, to use boolean flags like isOpen
to decide whether the modal is displayed or not.
Also, the data of the modal might come from a global state. However, when juggling with many modals, this can be a confusing, and can cause errors, like displaying multiple modals at the same time.
This package uses a key for every modal to switch between them. With a openModal
function, you can open a modal, and pass it props.
I recommend to hook it up only once, in your root level component, so there is one source of truth for the realm of modals.
import { useModal } from "@kakekomu/react-modal"
const App = () => {
const [activeModal, modalHandlers] = useModal({
myModal: Modal,
return (
<h1>React Modal example</h1>
<a href="index.tsx">Source code</a>
onClick={() =>
modalHandlers.toggleModal("myModal", {
message: "This custom message is passed as a prop.",
onClose: modalHandlers.closeModal,
Toggle Modal
onClick={() =>
modalHandlers.openModal("myModal", {
message: "The message can be different.",
onClose: modalHandlers.closeModal,
Open Modal
interface Props {
message: string
onClose: () => void
const Modal: React.FunctionComponent<Props> = ({ message, onClose }) => (
position: "fixed",
left: "50%",
padding: "10px",
border: "1px solid gray",
width: "300px",
height: "200px",
<h1>This is a Modal</h1>
<button onClick={onClose}>Close</button>