A react component library built on Kadena's Kode Design System
Kode UI
@kadena/kode-ui is a library used to provide a styling environment and basic React components for reuse in Kadena applications. It uses vanilla-extract/css (will be referred to as VE) to establish a system of utility classes (defined as sprinkles) and CSS variables (defined in the theme) that align with Kadena's Kode Design System and exposes them so that they can be used with any project or framework. A basic Storybook integration has been implemented so that users can preview components visually and interact with their configuration options.
Warning: This library is in its early development stage so elements in the styling environment may change as well as the API for components. Additionally, installation and compatibility has only been tested with Next.js projects within the Kadena.js monorepo.
Getting Started
pnpm install @kadena/kode-ui
Since this library uses VE and is not pre-bundled, the consuming project will need to setup integration with VE. You can find integration instructions in the VE docs.
Integration with Next.js projects within Kadena.js
Run the following commands to install dependencies and build the library from this repo:
pnpm install --filter @kadena/kode-ui
pnpm build --filter @kadena/kode-ui
Add @kadena/kode-ui as a dependency in your package.json
"dependencies": {
"@kadena/kode-ui": "workspace:*",
Then run the following commands from your project directory to install the package and update the monorepo's state:
pnpm install
VE requires bundler configuration to handle CSS. To set this up in Next.js you will need to install the following plugin:
pnpm add @vanilla-extract/next-plugin --dev
If you don’t have a next.config.js file in the root of your project, you'll need to create one first. Add the plugin to your next.config.js file and add @kadena/kode-ui to transpilePackages:
const { createVanillaExtractPlugin } = require('@vanilla-extract/next-plugin');
const withVanillaExtract = createVanillaExtractPlugin();
/** @type {import('next').NextConfig} */
const nextConfig = {
transpilePackages: ['@kadena/kode-ui'],
module.exports = withVanillaExtract(nextConfig);
If required, this plugin can be composed with other plugins. See VE Next.js integration docs.
After the plugin is setup, you should be able to use styling utilities exported from @kadena/kode-ui and components within your application.
As mentioned earlier, @kadena/kode-ui provides components and styling utilities that align with the Kode Design System.
Example for importing and using components:
import { Text } from '@kadena/kode-ui';
export const Component = () => {
return <Text>Hello World!</Text>;
We are using vanilla-extract/css to define our design system and style our
components. To utilize the same theme variables and utility classes in
conjunction with vanilla-extract/css in your own project, you can import
them via @kadena/kode-ui/styles
import { atoms, vars } from '@kadena/kode-ui/styles';
import { style } from '@vanilla-extract/css';
export const exampleClass = style([
backgroundColor: 'base.default',
color: 'text.base.default',
margin: 'sm',
Global styles
We are overriding some global styles and adding fonts in this library. To make
sure fonts are loaded and global styles are applied, you will need to add the
import '@kadena/kode-ui/global'
to your app's entry point.
Dark Theme
We are utilizing the theming feature from VE to create CSS color variables
that invert depending on the selected theme (light/dark). By default, the theme
will have colors suitable for light mode, but to add dark theme integration you
can export darkThemeClass
from @kadena/kode-ui and use it with your theme
You can use "next-themes" to set this up in Next.js projects by wrapping
with the ThemeProvider
in __app.tsx
import { darkThemeClass } from '@kadena/kode-ui/styles';
import { ThemeProvider } from 'next-themes';
export const MyApp = ({ Component, pageProps }) => {
return (
light: 'light',
dark: darkThemeClass,
<Component {...pageProps} />
export default MyApp;
Note: We understand that just inverting colors is not enough to achieve good UX in dark mode. We are using this color inversion in conjunction with custom color selection to style dark mode within our applications.
Running Storybook
After installing dependencies, you can start Storybook with the following command:
pnpm storybook
UI Library Guidelines
We would like to maintain a strict component library with opinionated styles and isolated components that rely on wrapper or layout components for positioning. The following is some information about how we have approached building our components to maintain this goal.
We are currently using vanilla-extract/css as it is a zero-runtime CSS-in-JS library that is framework agnostic.
We have defined a theme using elements of the Kode Design System and these tokens should be used as property values in most cases to ensure consistency and alignment with the design. With VE, we are also able to override this theme within projects to add additional CSS variables or update colors for a dark theme, for example.
Sprinkles is an optional package built on top of VE that allows users to
generate a set of custom utility classes (similar to Tailwind). @kadena/kode-ui
has setup atoms
using the defined theme based on the Kadena Design
System. Whenever possible it is preferrable to use these utility classes and
avoid creating unnecessary custom classes using the style
function to keep the
bundle size smaller and UI more consistent.
In our tokens we have color scales that represent a set of different shades for a color as well as theme specific tokens that return different colors depending on whether we are in light/dark theme.
The Kode Design System setup the color tokens to have naming based on
application rather than the underlying color. Since not all colors are
applicable for different CSS properties, the atoms
utility only provides a
subset of color options that would most commonly be used with the associated
property. In cases where consumers need access to other colors, the can still
access them through the exported tokens
The component library is composed of layout, primitive, and compound components. Currently we have decided to only rely on layout components for positioning. This means that we will not be exposing any display/spacing related props from our primitive and compound components. All finalized components will accept a className prop in case consumers need to add custom styling.
Since we are still in early development stages, things are still in flux and flexible to change. This is just a guideline that the team has discussed together as a starting point, but any suggestions for change are welcome!