ES6 pipe and compose in JavScript
What is it?
This library exports 6 functions: pipe
, compose
, cPipe
, cCompose
, pPipe
, and pCompose
Pipe and Compose
To paraphrase the Medium post, image you want to pipe the output of n-functions together. You'll end up with something like:
// EHT
In this example, you first uppercase
, then you get3Chars
and have THE
and finally you reverse
it to get EHT
With pipe
you can accomplish the same thing using:
pipe('the-argument', uppercase, get3Chars, reverse);
It helps to read this similar to bash's pipe |
echo 'the-argument' | uppercase | get3Chars | reverse;
is the reverse of pipe
. For example these two would return the same result.
pipe('the-argument', uppercase, get3Chars, reverse);
compose('the-argument', reverse, get3Chars, uppercase);
cPipe and cCompose
These are composable versions of pipe
and compose
, i.e.:
const textModifier = cPipe(uppercase, get3Chars, reverse);
// EHT
// ONA
pPipe and pCompose
There are also composable promise version of the pipe and compose.
const calc = pPipe(add1, multiply2, divide3);
await calc(2);
// 2
In this example, we are creating a calculation function that takes in an number, and performs basic math operation on it. In this case, we are passing 2
and first adding 1 to it (giving us 3), then multiplying by 2 (giving us 6) and finally dividing by 3 (giving us back 2).
As before, pCompose
would work in the reverse:
const calc = pCompose(add1, multiply2, divide3);
await calc(6);
// 5
How to use it
Installing NPM package
Install from npm:
npm install @k88/pipe-compose
and use it:
import { pipe, compose } from '@k88/pipe-compose';
Get the source code
All of these auxiliary functions are one-liner, so you can also just copy/paste them into your application:
const pipe = (x, ...fns) => fns.reduce((v, f) => f(v), x);
const compose = (x, ...fns) => fns.reduceRight((v, f) => f(v), x);
const cPipe = (...fns) => (x) => => fns.reduce((v, f) => f(v), x);
const cCompose = (...fns) => (x) => fns.reduceRight((v, f) => f(v), x);
const pPipe = (...fns) => async (x) => fns.reduce(async (v, f) => f(await v), x);
const pCompose = (...fns) => async (x) => fns.reduceRight(async (v, f) => f(await v), x);