Self Serve Components
This repository holds React components that are shared across Self Serve projects.
Create NPM account
Before you start development of the components, you need to create an account on NPM.
- Go to the npm website and create an account.
- Create an access token for your user (go to user profile).
- Create an environment variable on your machine and expose the token:
NPM_TOKEN = <your_access_token>
. - Get access to the k3imagine organzation (ask Team Lead or Admin).
Running the project
npm install
npm run dev
Creating a new component
Create a new component
Create a new react component under src/components/{Basic|Structure}/{component-name}
Expose component in index.tsx
Add import {component-name} from './components/{Basic|Structure}/{component-name}/{component-name}'; and export it from there.
Write stories for the new component
We write stories for our components as a way to document them. If suitable we write a 'default' story that contains only required props. For each event we use the storybook Action addon. If a component contains many props to manipulate the component we can use the Knobs addon.
Using the components in our projects
npm i @k3imagine/self-serve-components
import React from 'react';
import { MyComponent } from '@k3imagine/self-serve-components';
class Example extends React.Component {
render() {
return <MyComponent />;