Play music on discord with your discord bot.
Play music with your discord bot.
Usage (TypeScript)
// Import necessary modules.
import 'dotenv/config';
import { joinVoiceChannel } from '@discordjs/voice';
import { Client, EmbedBuilder, GatewayIntentBits, Message } from 'discord.js';
import {
Track, // Track builder
MusicSubscription, // Music Subscription builder.
TrackMetadataDetails, // Type for track details (you don't need to import this if you are not working on TypeScript).
} from '@k11960/music-module'; // <<< Import this package.
// Creating a discord.js bot instance.
const bot = new Client({
GatewayIntentBits.Guilds |
GatewayIntentBits.GuildMembers |
GatewayIntentBits.GuildMessages |
GatewayIntentBits.MessageContent |
GatewayIntentBits.GuildVoiceStates, // <<< This intent is very important!!!
// Creating a collection/map where we will save all Music Subscriptions.
const subs = new Map();
* '123456789012345' => MusicSubscription {
* ...
* }
// Creating an event to listen to the message commands.
bot.on('messageCreate', async (message) => {
// Setting a prefix.
let prefix = '.';
// We will not respond to bots and messages that don't start with our prefix.
if (message.author.bot || message.content.startsWith(prefix) === false)
// Removing the prefix and splitting the command into "words".
let args = message.content.slice(prefix.length).trim().split(/ +/g);
// As the command is the first word, we can do a shift() and now args are only arguments without the command, but the command will be stored here:
let command = args.shift();
// Handling the commands.
switch (command) {
// "play" command.
case 'play':
// Searching the guild subscription; don't worry, it could be null. We will solve this later.
let sub: MusicSubscription = subs.get(message.guildId);
// Saving the voice channel in a variable.
let channel = message.member?.voice.channel;
// Now, we join all arguments into a single string; this is the title of the song / YouTube video.
let songTitle = args.join(' ');
// If the channel variable is null or undefined, it means that the user is not in a voice channel; the user needs to be in a voice channel.
if (!channel) {
'You need to be in a voice channel before executing this command.',
// If the guild subscription doesn't exist on our Map, we will create a new one and push it in the map.
if (!sub) {
// Create the MusicSubscription instance.
let newSub = new MusicSubscription(
// We need to create a voice connection. This function joins the bot to the user's voice channel and returns a VoiceConnection instance.
adapterCreator: message.guild!.voiceAdapterCreator,
channelId: channel.id,
guildId: message.guildId!,
// [Optional but recommended] Adding events.
// when a song is starting.
async (reference: Message, details: TrackMetadataDetails) => {
embeds: [
new EmbedBuilder({
title: 'Now playing ' + details.title,
description: 'Requested by ' + reference.author.displayName,
fields: [
name: 'Uploaded by',
value: details.uploadedBy,
inline: true,
name: 'Duration',
value: details.duration.timestamp,
inline: true,
color: 0xdd3939,
// --------- Pushing the new instance in our map --------------
subs.set(message.guildId, newSub);
// Replacing the null variable with the new instance.
sub = newSub;
// Creating a track instance from the song title.
let newTrack = await Track.create(songTitle + ' topic', message); // here the message argument is provided as a reference; it's used in the events.
// Add the song to the guild queue.
// Simple ready event.
bot.once('ready', () => {
console.log(bot.user?.tag, 'is ready.');
// Login to our Discord bot.
bot.login(process.env.DISCORD_TOKEN as string);