An algorithm to produce color sets
A JavaScript function for producing color sets. Used to build Lyft's color system (Spectrum) and power ColorBox.
npm i @k-vyn/coloralgorithm
const color = require("@k-vyn/coloralgorithm");
color.generate(props, options?);
import color from "@k-vyn/coloralgorithm";
color.generate(props, options?);
These must be pass to the function.
interface Props {
steps: number;
hue: {
start: number; // 0 - 359
end: number; // 0 - 359
curve: Curve; // See acceptable curves below
saturation: {
start: number; // 0 - 1
end: number; // 0 - 1
curve: Curve;
rate: number; // 1 is default
brightness: {
start: number; // 0 - 1
end: number; // 0 - 1
curve: Curve;
Hue, Saturation, and Luminosity all allow you to specify a curve. The curve manipulates the progression of the steps.
Default curve
These are easing curves that come bundled in. You can see the different progressions on easing.net.
| easeIn | easeOut | easeInOut |
| ------------- | -------------- | ---------------- |
| easeInSine
| easeOutSine
| easeInOutSine
| easeInQuad
| easeOutQuad
| easeInOutQuad
| easeInCubic
| easeOutCubic
| easeInOutCubic
| easeInQuart
| easeOutQuart
| easeInOutQuart
| easeInQuint
| easeOutQuint
| easeInOutQuint
| easeInExpo
| easeOutExpo
| easeInOutExpo
| easeInCirc
| easeOutCirc
| easeInOutCirc
| easeInBack
| easeOutBack
| easeInOutBack
| linear
| linear
| linear
saturation: {
Custom curve
Additionially, a custom curve can be provided. Custom curves are numbered arrays with four 0-1 values. [x1, y1, x2, y2]
saturation: {
curve:[0.12, 0, 0.39, 0],
Configurable options
interface Options {
minorSteps?: number[];
lockHex?: string; // hex value
provideInverted?: boolean;
lockHexInverted?: string; // hex value
rotation?: "clockwise" | "counterclockwise" | "cw" | "ccw";
name?: string;
Minor Steps
Provides an additional step in between two steps.
Major steps are whole numbers 0, 1, 2, 3,
. Minor steps are decimal numbers .5, 1.5, 2.75
Note: Always keep minor steps sorted least-to-greatest.
// returns steps - 0, .5, 1...
minorStep:[0, .5],
// returns steps - 0, .5, .75, 1...
minorStep:[5, 6],
// returns steps - ...50, 55, 60, 65...
Lock Hex
Alters result to provide a hex value as a return value. It works by identifying the closest color in the result by Euclidian distance, and the eases all colors around the hex proportionally.
lockHex: '#999`,
// returns colors - ...#999...
Provide Inverted
Provides an additional color set that is inverted. Inversion is provided across Hue, Saturation, and Brightness. Each axis will flip start/end values. It will also reverse the curve, so an EaseIn
will become an EaseOut
provideInverted: true,
/// returns [NormalColorSet, InvertedColorSet]
See Lock Hex. This will lock a hex in the inverted set.
This can alter the rotation of the progression of hues. Default rotation will progress hues 0 through 359 and repeat. By setting it progress counterclockwise
, you'll reverse the progression order.
hue: {
start: 10
end: 350
rotation: 'clockwise', // default
// returns hues ~ 10, 100, 250, 350
hue: {
start: 10
end: 350
rotation: 'counterclockwise',
// returns hues ~ 10, 5, 0, 350
This is simply time saver. It returns the name in the result. Nothing else.
name: 'red',
/// returns result.name = red
The function returns the generated palette as an array of color objects:
type Result = ColorSet[];
type ColorSet = Color[];
type Color = {
label: number;
hue: number;
saturation: number;
brightness: number;
isMajor: boolean;
isLocked: boolean;
hex: string;
hsl: number[];
hsv: number[];
lab: number[];
rgbString: string;
rgbArray: number[];
rgbaString: string;
rgbaArray: number[];
An example return looks something like this –
const result = [
inverted: false,
colors: [
label: 0
hue: 10
saturation: 0.04
brightness: 1
isMajor: true
isLocked: false
hex: "#fff7f5"
hsl: [10.000000000000057, 1, 0.98, 1]
hsv: [10.000000000000085, 0.04000000000000007, 1]
lab: [97.65498027125287, 2.5409203669395364, 1.8232127862283898]
rgbString: "255,247,245"
rgbArray: [255, 247, 245]
rgbaString: "255,247,245,1"
rgbaArray: [255, 247, 245, 1]
} ...
inverted: true,
colors: (13) [
{…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}
This package is built using Rollup, and this package is written in TypeScript and converted to CommonJS using a rollup typescript plugin.
To run locally, you can either run npm run build
for a one time build or npm run start
to make continous builds.