difi is a simple data manipulation, processing & cleaning utility for your command line
difi - V1.1.1
A small cli for manipulating, processing & cleaning data.
All you need to use difi is a command line and node :)
Simply open up a terminal and type
npm i @justjcurtis/difi -g
After installing type:
difi -h
to see general help.
For more detailed usage info type:
difi -h [command]
Available commands
process|p [options] [filepath] : processes file supplied with processing flags supplied.
- Remove blank entries [-b] - removes blank entries.
- Remove duplicates [-d] - remove duplicates.
- Ignore case [-i] - ignores case when comparing entries to keywords.
- lowercase [-l] - make file lower case.
- Input delimiter [-id {delimiter}] - specifies input delimiter (defaults to \n).
- Output delimiter [-od {delimiter}] - specifies output delimiter (defaults to input delimiter).
- Sorting [-s] - sorts output.
- Reversing [-rv] - reverses output (done after sort).
- Replace file [-rf] - replaces original file with output.
- Remove keyword [-rk {keyword}] - removes entries with specified keyword.
- Remove before keyword [-rb {keyword}] - removes entry before keyword.
- Remove after keyword [-ra {keyword}] - removes entry after keyword.
- Print [-p] - prevents saving and instead, prints output to console.
- Output [-o {path}] - specifies output file (defaults to inputfile_difi).
compare|c [options] [filepathA] [filepathB] : compares two files and displays missing entries in second file
- Flip [-f] - flips comparison tp show keys missing in the first file.
- Ignore case [-i] - ignores case when comparing entries.
- Input delimiter [-id {delimiter}] - specifies input delimiter (defaults to \n).
- Output delimiter [-od {delimiter}] - specifies output delimiter (defaults to input delimiter).
- Sorting [-s] - sorts output.
- Reversing [-rv] - reverses output (done after sort).
- Print [-p] - prevents saving and instead, prints output to console.
- Output [-o] - specifies output file (defaults to inputfile_difiCompare.
search|s [options] : search a file or directory structure using a list of keys.
- Ignore_case [-i] - ignores case when searching for keys.
- Recursive [-r] - search recursively into subdirectories.
- Keys [-k] - allows keys to be entered directly into the terminal as the second argument as comma seperated values.
- Input_delimiter [-id] - specifies input delimiter (defaults to \n).
- Output_delimiter [-od] - specifies output delimiter (defaults to input delimiter).
- Occurances [-oc] - list occurances of each key along with the minimum occurance for all keys.
- Detail [-d] - show filepath & line number for each match.
- Blacklist [-bl] - blacklist filetypes to be excluded from the search in the form of comma seperated values.
- Whitelist [-wl] - whitelist filetypes to be included in the search in the form of comma seperated values (overrides blacklist).
- Sort [-s] - sort output by key.
- Sort_occurance [-so] - sort output by occurance, enables -oc & overrides -s.
- Reverse [-rv] - reverses output (done after sort).
- Print [-p] - prevents saving and instead, prints output to console.
- Output [-o] - specifies output file for search results (defaults toparentDir_of_startPath/startPathFileName_difiSearch.txt).
- Extend functionality by accepting regex patterns for searching, keywords etc.
- much more...
Built With
- Nodejs - The framework used
- Commanderjs - For cli argument parsing
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
- Jacson Curtis - Project Owner - justjcurtis
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the Licence.md file for details