React native wrapper around ExpressCheckout's native sdk
React Native wrapper around our native SDK. We currently only support Android.
Before proceeding, you must understand ExpressCheckout's payment flow, please check : https://juspay.in/docs/advanced/ec/android_integration/index.html
Getting Native SDK
The native sdk must be added to the app's build.gradle. Add the following to {project_directory}/android/app/build.gradle file
repositories {
maven {
url 'https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/jp-build-packages/ec-android-sdk'
maven {
url 'https://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/godel-release/godel/'
dependencies {
compile 'in.juspay:ec-android-sdk:1.1.4'
compile 'com.android.support:support-v4:23.4.0'
Run the following command from your project directory to install the sdk
$ npm i @juspay/ec-react-native-sdk --save
Link the library with the following command
$ react-native link @juspay/ec-react-native-sdk
Import ExpressCheckout module to your component
import ExpressCheckout from '@juspay/ec-react-native-sdk'
Native Checkout
An inbuilt native screen is provided for convenience - this is more flexible and offers greater customization options. Offers native support for the following payment methods: Cards, NetBanking and Wallets.
var paymentOptions = {
"environment" : "PRODUCTION",
"merchantId" : "merchant",
"orderId" : "order_id",
"endUrlRegexes" : ["https:\\/\\/shop\\.com\\/payment-response"],
"paymentInstruments" : ["SAVED_CARD", "CARD", "NB", "WALLET"],
"orderSummary" : {
"openModeTitle" : "ExpressCheckout",
"closedModeTitle" : "ExpressCheckout",
"Name" : "Customer Name",
"Amount" : "INR 1",
"Phone" : "9876543210"
ExpressCheckout.expressCheckoutScene(paymentOptions, (url) => {
// endUrlCallback : Called whenever an endUrl is matched with the URL that is loading in the browser
// The matched url will be passed
}, () => {
// errorCallback : Called whenever an error occurs or when the user presses back button
// Recommended to show the cart screen with an error message
Mobile Web Checkout
This mode of checkout opens a mobile optimized web page within the android app to take the payment input from the customer. This is the most straightforward integration. If you wish to disallow certain payment options, you have to explicitly remove the option from the array. If an empty array is passed, then all options are made available
var paymentOptions = {
"environment" : "SANDBOX",
"merchantId" : "merchant",
"orderId" : "order_id",
"endUrlRegexes" : ["https:\\/\\/shop\\.com\\/payment-response"],
"paymentInstruments" : ["SAVED_CARD", "CARD", "NB", "WALLET"]
ExpressCheckout.mobileWebCheckoutScene(paymentOptions, (url) => {
// endUrlCallback : Called whenever an endUrl is matched with the URL that is loading in the browser
// The matched url will be passed
}, () => {
// errorCallback : Called whenever an error occurs or when the user presses back button
// Recommended to show the cart screen with an error message
Core API Checkout
If you have already built screens to accept card & netbanking options, then you can directly initiate a payment with the customers choice.
Card Payment API
var paymentOptions = {
"environment" : "SANDBOX",
"merchantId" : "merchant",
"orderId" : "order_id",
"endUrlRegexes" : ["https:\\/\\/shop\\.com\\/payment-response"],
"nameOnCard" : "Name",
"cardNumber" : "4242424242424242",
"cardExpiryMonth" : "05",
"cardExpiryYear" : "2020",
"cardSecurityCode" : "123"
ExpressCheckout.cardPaymentAPI(paymentOptions, (url) => {
// endUrlCallback : Called whenever an endUrl is matched with the URL that is loading in the browser
// The matched url will be passed
}, () => {
// errorCallback : Called whenever an error occurs or when User presses back button
// Recommended to show the cart screen with an error message
NetBanking Payment API
var paymentOptions = {
"environment" : "SANDBOX",
"merchantId" : "merchant",
"orderId" : "order_id",
"endUrlRegexes" : ["https:\\/\\/shop\\.com\\/payment-response"],
"bank" : "NB_AXIS"
ExpressCheckout.netBankingPaymentAPI(paymentOptions, (url) => {
// endUrlCallback : Called whenever an endUrl is matched with the URL that is loading in the browser
// The matched url will be passed
}, () => {
// errorCallback : Called whenever an error occurs or when the user presses back button
// Recommended to show the cart screen with an error message
Wallet Payment API
var paymentOptions = {
"environment" : "PRODUCTION",
"merchantId" : "merchant",
"orderId" : "order_id",
"endUrlRegexes" : ["https:\\/\\/shop\\.com\\/payment-response"],
"wallet" : "OLAMONEY"
ExpressCheckout.walletPaymentAPI(paymentOptions, (url) => {
// endUrlCallback : Called whenever an endUrl is matched with the URL that is loading in the browser
// The matched url will be passed
}, () => {
// errorCallback : Called whenever an error occurs or when the user presses back button
// Recommended to show the cart screen with an error message