Extensible shared config of JavaScript, ReactJS and React Native rules
Eslint Config Jungsoft
This package provides extensible shared config of JavaScript, React and React Native rules
:pushpin: Table of Contents
:construction_worker: Installation
With Yarn
npx install-peerdeps --dev @jungsoft/eslint-config --yarn
With NPM
npx install-peerdeps --dev @jungsoft/eslint-config
And remove the peer-dependencies according to the shareable config that you're using, for instance, the typescript config won't need the eslint-import-resolver-typescript
:pushpin: Usage
This package includes the following configurations:
– The base rules of the config.@jungsoft
– The TypeScript config.@jungsoft/eslint-config/react
– Extends the base jungsoft configuration by adding React related rules.@jungsoft/eslint-config/react-native
– Extends the base jungsoft configuration by adding React Native related rules.
Shareable config for JavaScript projects
"extends": [
Shareable config for TypeScript projects
"extends": [
Shareable config for React projects
"extends": [
Shareable config for React Native projects
"extends": [
And you can also override/add rules according to your needs
extends: [
plugins: ['react', 'jsx-a11y'],
rules: {
"react/prop-types": 1,
"jsx-a11y/anchor-is-valid": ["warn", {
components: ["Link"],
specialLink: ["to"],
:closed_book: License
This project is under the MIT license.
Made with love by Laura Beatris and contributors at Jungsoft 💜🚀