A collection of essential TypeScript types
A collection of TypeScript types that have undergone type testing
Based on type-fest
Conduct secondary development and expose all types provided by type-fest
(please refer to the official documentation for the use of type test
, which is not provided here)
Programming Guide for Writing Types:
- The most important aspect of type programming is to clearly know the most basic operations, which are joint to joint, joint to cross, cross to cross, and irreversible.
- Then the rest is logical splitting, breaking it down into various types of functions, and assembling them together, and that's all.
true -> false; false -> true
type False = Negate<true>; // false
type True = Negate<false>; // true
(void extends T) and (T extends void)
(undefined extends T) and (T extends undefined)
(object extends T) and (T extends object)
filter out never
and void
function-types (about function)
Change the return value of a function that is not promise
to promise
type OriginalFn = (a: 1, b: 2) => number;
type Fn = PromiseFn<OriginalFn>; // (a: 1, b: 2) => Promise<number>
Change the return value of a function that is not promise
to promisable
type OriginalFn = (a: 1, b: 2) => number;
type Fn = PromisableFn<OriginalFn>; // (a: 1, b: 2) => Promise<number> | number
array-types (about array)
type OriginalArr = [1, ''];
type Arr = ReadonlyArray<OriginalArr>; // readonly [1, '']
filter out never
and void
type OriginalArr = [1, '', false, number, string, boolean, symbol, {}, object, Error, null, undefined, never, void];
type Arr = PureArray<OriginalArr>; // [1, "", false, number, string, boolean, symbol, {}, object, Error, null, undefined]
type ReadonlyOriginalArr = readonly [1, 2, never, void];
type ReadonlyArr = PureArray<ReadonlyOriginalArr>; // readonly [1, 2]
object-types (about object)
type Obj = {
a: 1;
b: 2;
c: 3;
type ObjIsSpreadable = Obj extends Spreadable ? true : false; // true
Get all keys of an spreadable type recursively.
type Obj = {
0: string;
a: {
b: {
c: string;
d: string;
e: string;
f: string;
[Symbol.hasInstance]: 0;
type Keys = DeepKeysOfSpreadable<Obj>; // `Keys` equivalent to 0 | 'c' | 'd' | 'f' | Symbol.hasInstance;
Merge multiple objects
type O1 = {
a: 'a';
c: 'c';
d: {
d1: 0;
e: 'e';
f: 'f1';
type O2 = {
b: 'b';
c: 'c';
d: {
d2: 1;
e: { e: 'e'; };
f: 'f2';
type Res = MergeObjects<[O1, O2, ...]>; // { a?: 'a'; b?: 'b'; c: 'c'; d: { d1?: 0; d2?: 1; }; e: 'e' | { e: 'e'; }; f: 'f1' | 'f2'; };
Merge multiple objects. like MergeObjects
type Res = MergeObjects<O1 | O2>;
Union to tuple, but You can't rely on the ordering of a union type. It's an implementation detail of the compiler; since X | Y is equivalent to Y | X, the compiler feels free to change one to the other.
type abc = 'a' | 'b' | 'c';
type t = TuplifyUnion<abc>; // ["a", "b", "c"]
color-types (about color)
verify hexadecimal color values
type Res1 = HexColor<'#fff'> // '#fff';
type Res2 = HexColor<'#ffffff'> // '#ffffff';
type Res3 = HexColor<'#xxx'> // never;
Strengthening the TS type for third-party libraries
Strengthen @mixer/postmessage-rpc
import { RPC } from "@mixer/postmessage-rpc";
import type { TypedRPC } from "@juln/type-fest";
* Only 'type' can be used, not 'interface', otherwise lax type constraints will cause problems
* type ExposeMap = {
* "exposeName1": {
* isPromise: true;
* params: any;
* data: any;
* };
* "exposeName2": {
* isPromise: true;
* params: any;
* data: any;
* };
* ...
* }
type ExposeMap = {
'load-error': {
data: Error;
'close-window': {};
'result': {
isPromise: true;
params: {
pageNum?: number;
pageSize?: number;
data: {
code: number;
list: any[];
type CallMap = {
'simpleLoad': {};
'load': {
params: {
immediately?: boolean;
data: {
success: boolean;
'close-modal': {};
const rpc: TypedRPC<ExposeMap, CallMap> = new RPC({
target: window.top!,
serviceId: "test",
rpc.call("close-modal", {}); // Restrictions on types such as 'eventName', 'params', and 'returnType'
rpc.call("unknown", {}); // 'eventName' not declared, type error reported
// 2. In non strict mode, for undeclared 'eventName', the type does not report an error, and the 'handler' is: (params: any) => Promise<any> | any)
(rpc as TypedRPC<ExposeMap, CallMap, false>).expose('unkown', a => a);
Strengthen eventemitter3
import { EventEmitter } from "eventEmitter3";
import type { TypedEventEmitter } from "@juln/type-fest";
* interface MyEventMap {
* "eventName1": {
* args: [arg1: any, arg2: any, ...];
* };
* "eventName2": {
* args: [arg1: any, arg2: any, ...];
* };
* ...
* }
interface MyEventMap {
'load-error': {
args: [Error];
'close': {
'result': {
args: [
result1: number,
result2: string,
result3: null,
const ee = new EventEmitter();