AWS CDK Construct deploy an EC2 Instance per developer to work in a remote environment
AWS Remote Environment in a EC2 Instance Construct Library
This AWS CDK Construct deploy an EC2 Instance per developer to work in a remote environment.
yarn add @jttc/remote-development
npm install @jttc/remote-development
How to use
import { RemoteEnvironment } from '@jttc/remote-development';
new RemoteEnvironment(this, 'RemoteEnvironment', {
developer: 'developer-id-name',
vpcId: 'vpc-xxxxxxxxxxx',
sshPublicKeyName: 'id_ed25519.pub',
- Upload own ssh key created in the developer machine under .ssh folder
- Create an EC2 instance with the following configuration by default:
- Instance type: t3a.xlarge by default. It can be customizable.
- Deployed in a Public Subnet.
- Elastic Ip associated to the instance.
- EBS volumen of 250 GB by default. It can be customizable.
- Security group to allow ssh connection to the instance.
- The instances has a tag name: "remote-environment-"
- it creates an alamar to check the instance utilization. If in 15 minutes the cpu utilization is less than 2% the instance will be stopped automatically. The developer will go to the console to start it manually.
- It is possible to create a file with instance user data scripts and it will uploaded to execute at initialization point.
How to create a ssh key in linux environment
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "[email protected]"