- Author: Seokhyun Wie (Brandon) - Email: [email protected] - Course: [Udemy](https://www.udemy.com/course/react-and-typescript-build-a-portfolio-project/)
JSNote - local client version
- Author: Seokhyun Wie (Brandon)
- Email: [email protected]
- Course: Udemy
JSNote is managed by Lerna
How to install
$ npm install jsnote-bw
How to run
$ npx jsnote-bw serve
Navigate to http://localhost:4005 to start.
Your codes will be saved in notebook.js
The file is in the folder where you execute the command.
if you don't see this initial content below, please refresh the browser
Development Notes
What am I building?
A CLI to launch an interactive development environment for writing and documenting code. Support JS, and MarkDown
- Code will be provided to Preview as a string. We have to execute it safely How to solve?
- This code might have advanced JS syntax in it (like JSX) that your browser can't execute How to solve?
- The code might have import statements for other JS files or CSS. We have to deal with those import statements before executing the code How to Solve?
Babel - Transpiler
- Problem #2 would be solved if we could get Babel working in our React app
- Take a look at existing apps online and see how they use babel:
- codepen.io: Backend API Server
- babeljs.io: In-Browser Transpiler
JavaScript Modules
// message.js
export default 'Hello there!';
// index.js
import message from './message';
- AMD:
define(['dep'], (dep) => {});
- common js:
- ES Modules:
import a from 'a'
,export default 123
Transpile Example with Babel
import React from 'react';
=> Transpiled by Babel
const React = require('react');
module.exports = App;
Webpack - Bundler
Single file containing both modules linked together in some way
it can deal with both common js
and ES Modules
How to find all the modules the user has imported from NPM?
Webpack throws an error if the modules is not installed locally (in case using Backend API) => NpmInstallWebpackPlugin (NPM Registry) :
npm install
automaticallyMake manual request: doesn't install React as an entire dependency
Same as #2, but don't use API (No Backend)
Remote? Local?
- Remote: cache NPM modules to bundle faster / better for users with slow device or limited connection
- Local: fast execution / no need for API server / less complexity
Webpack doesn't work in the browser
esbuild-wasm NPM module
- ESBuild can transpile + bundle code all in the browser. Small amount of JS(user input) => WASM (Go Lang bundler compiled to work in the browser)
- It is primarily intended to only be used in the browser. (documentation)
ESBuild Bundling Process
- Find where the
is stored (onResolve) - Attemp to load up the
file (onLoad) - Parse the
file, find any import/require/exports - If there's any import/require/exports, figure out where the requested file is (onResolve) => UNPKG
- Attemp to load up the file
Used localforage (indexedDB) to cache
- Get around with CORS when installing NPM packages
- Automatically find latest version
Consideration Around Code Execution
- User-provided code might throw errors and cause our program to crash
- User-provided code might mutate the DOM, causing our program to crash
- A use might accidentally run code provided by another malicious user
iframe as solution
- iframe allow communication between the parent and the child
parent.a; // from child html
document.querySelector('iframe').contentWindow; // from parent to child
Direct access between frames is allowed when the iframe element does not have a 'sandbox' property, or has a 'sandbox="allow-same-origin"' property
Domain, Port, and Protocol (http vs https) have to be the exact same
We don't use additional server to prevent direct access (as codepen.io), but we use
to isolate the iframe
- An attribute of iframe
- troubleshooting: nested script tags cause an error
- use
- use
Downside of using single port for all
- Cannot use a couple of features as localStorage
- However, it's ignored for the sake of performance and convenience
Open-source Browser-based Editors
- CodeMirror: easy, doesn't have out-of-the-box features
- Ace Editor: moderately easy, widely used
- Monaco Editor: hardest to setup, gives almost-perfect editing experience
Monaco Editor
: main editormonaco-editor
: Typescript typesprettier
: integration for formattingbulmaswatch
: CDN CSS Library
JSX Syntax Highlighting
Resize Panes
Markdown Editor
Resizer is included
Will have a conflict with bulmacss
class: check out./src/scss/components/_TextEditor.scss
- cleaner code for reducer
- No need to pass initialState inside reducer, but pass it as second argument in
function (to resolve unexpectedundefined
type error on states)
Font Awesome
- css of icons
- to assist bindActionCreators from being executed infinitely (src/hooks/use-actions.ts)
Cumulative Code Execution
connect two or more different cells so the later cell can use variables in the previous cell
Local Node API
separate NPM packages
- CLI: jbook
- Local Express API: @jbook/local-api
- Public Express API: @jbook/public-api
- React App: @jbook/local-client
Lerna CLI
Tool for managing a multi-package project
- Lerna | Yarn Workspaces | NPM Workspaces | Bolt | Luigi
- Lerna - v3.22.1 is used
- bootstrap mapping
Add TypeScript support
- In
folder, go to every sub packages' folder and runnpx typescript --init
andlerna add typescript --dev --scope=packageNames
- open
set outDir to./dist
- In
package, insidetsconfig.json
you need to setdeclaration
- In the root directory, go to
and add script"start": "lerna run start --parallel"
, it will run all packages concurrently
Connect packages
the application is in
: haslocal-api
as a dependency/packages/local-api
: haslocal-client
as a dependency/packages/local-client
: has the application