Vue.js web UI for JS8Path
Vue.js web UI for JS8Path
JS8Path tracks JS8Call reports on pskreporter.
- searches for reports for specific stations
- shows time and strength of individual reports
- maps reports
- analyzes potential relay paths
Project setup
yarn install
Compiles and hot-reloads for development
yarn run serve
Compiles and minifies for production
yarn run build
Run your tests
yarn run test
Lints and fixes files
yarn run lint
workspace dependencies
- @js8path/js8path-vue
- @js8path/js8path-data
- @js8path/annotated-error
- @js8path/js8path-pskreporter
- @js8path/annotated-error
- @js8path/js8path-data
- @js8path/js8path-route
- @js8path/annotated-error
- @js8path/js8path-data
- @js8path/js8path-test-data
- js8path-test-data
- @js8path/annotated-error
- @js8path/js8path-data
- @js8path/js8path-pskreporter
Documentation Generation
Install JsDoc and Vuese Globally
yarn global add jsdoc @vuese/cli
To Generate Docs (in ./docs/jsdoc/ and ./docs/vuese/)
yarn run docgen
To launch documentation servers and open chrome to view them
yarn run docserve