Example Redux Data Service utilizing @demo-utils/core and @demo-utils/redux-service-demo
Redux Service Demo Example
This is an example Redux Data Service project using:
- @js-demo/core for building/local dev server
- @js-demo/redux-service-demo components for providing an interface to trigger Redux actions
- Redux Service Utils for handling async actions
This demo uses the TODOs api available here: https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com
See the demo running here: https://dannywieser.github.io/js-demo/js-demo-redux-example/
Running the Demo Locally
yarn start-demo
Available Actions
- todoList: perform a GET to retrieve all todos and populate the state
- todoAdd: add a NEW todo, given a JSON object with the following format:
"userId": 1,
"title": "my new todo",
"completed": false
- todoDelete: delete a todo, given a Todo ID
- todoComplete: complete an existing todo (completed=>true), given the current TODO object JSON
- todoIncomplete: set complete to false for an existing todo, given the current TODO object JSON