Embedded Finance Components
Embedded UI Components
🚧 Pre-release Version Notice
Embedded UI Components and this guide is currently in draft form and under active development. Components are not ready for production use and may change significantly until version 1.x.x is released. Please consider this document as a work in progress.
ADA Compliance Disclaimer
While we strive to incorporate ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) best practices, please note that developers are responsible for conducting their own comprehensive ADA testing to ensure full compliance with all applicable standards and regulations.
Embedded UI Components offer a seamless way to integrate sophisticated UI components into your existing applications, providing a plug-and-play solution for Embedded Finance features. These components implement complex API capabilities for client onboarding and account linking, simplifying the integration process for developers.
Important Usage Notes
All Embedded UI Components must be wrapped within the EBComponentsProvider
. The EBComponentsProvider
is specifically designed for these components and is not applicable to any other client components in your application.
Setup and Configuration
The EBComponentsProvider
is a crucial wrapper component that must be placed at the top level of your Embedded UI Components implementation. It handles authentication, applies theming, and provides necessary context to all child Embedded UI Components.
It is using @tanstack/react-query for handling API calls and authentication as well as Orval generated types for the API requests and responses.
Key Props:
: The base URL for API calls (required)theme
: Customization options for the components' appearance (optional)headers
: Custom headers for API requests (optional)
import { EBComponentsProvider } from '@jpmorgan-payments/embedded-finance-components';
const EmbeddedFinanceSection = () => {
return (
colorScheme: 'light',
variables: {
primaryColor: '#007bff',
fontFamily: 'Arial, sans-serif',
'Custom-Header': 'value',
{/* Your Embedded UI Components go here */}
Main concepts
The Embedded UI Components are built using a sophisticated approach that leverages OpenAPI Specifications (OAS) and automated code generation to ensure type safety and consistent API integration.
Architecture Overview
graph TB
subgraph "Development Time"
direction TB
OAS[OpenAPI Specification] --> |Orval Generation| Types[TypeScript Types]
OAS --> |Orval Generation| Hooks[React Query Hooks]
AF[Arazzo Flows] --> |Future: Flow Generation| Flows[Operation Sequences]
subgraph "Embedded UI Components"
direction TB
Types & Hooks & Flows --> Components
subgraph "Opinionated Layer"
direction LR
V[Enhanced Client<br/>Validations]
P[Smart Payload<br/>Formation]
E[Error Mapping<br/>& Recovery]
U[UX Optimizations]
V & P & E & U --> Components
subgraph "Runtime"
direction TB
Components --> |API Calls| PSL[Platform Service Layer]
PSL --> |Authentication| API[Backend APIs]
Key Architecture Components
OpenAPI Specification (OAS) & Future Arazzo Flows
- OAS defines API contracts and types
- Source of truth for API interfaces
- Used to generate TypeScript types and React Query hooks
- Note: Arazzo Flows and automated flow generation are planned future capabilities - currently no flows are pre-configured
Automated Code Generation
- Currently, Orval generates from OAS:
- TypeScript interfaces
- Type-safe React Query hooks
- API client utilities
- Future capability: Flow generation from Arazzo Flows
- Ensures type consistency between API and UI
- Currently, Orval generates from OAS:
Component Architecture
Built using generated types and hooks with an opinionated layer providing:
- Enhanced client validations based on API specifications
- Smart payload formation
- Error mapping & recovery
- UX optimizations implemented based on best practices:
- Smart field prepopulation
- Cognitive load reduction
- Intelligent navigation
Runtime Flow
- Components make API calls to Platform Service Layer (PSL)
- PSL handles:
- Authentication & authorization
- Request forwarding to backend APIs
- Response processing
- Error handling
Main Components
1. OnboardingWizardBasic
The OnboardingWizardBasic
component implements the client onboarding process as described in the Embedded Payments API documentation.
Main Features:
- Create a client profile
- Incrementally update client's related parties
- Complete due diligence questions
- Handle client attestations
- Manage requests for additional documentation
- Check and display onboarding status
import {
} from '@jpmorgan-payments/embedded-finance-components';
const OnboardingSection = () => {
const [clientId, setClientId] = useManageClientExternalState();
const handlePostClientResponse = ({ response, error }) => {
// Handle client creation response or error
const handlePostClientVerificationsResponse = ({ clientId, error }) => {
// Handle post client verifications response or error
return (
<EBComponentsProvider apiBaseUrl="https://your-api-base-url.com">
{/* you could use https://api-mock.payments.jpmorgan.com/tsapi/ef/do/v1/ from the API mock server, please find more details at https://developer.payments.jpmorgan.com/api/embedded-finance-solutions/embedded-payments/onboarding#/ */}
title="Client Onboarding"
OnboardingWizard could also accept products and jurisdictions as optional props to customize the onboarding process.
determines which products are selectable in the initial step of the onboarding process. If only one product is provided, the component will default to that product and the field will become read-only.
Similarly, availableJurisdictions
is an array of country codes that are selectable. If only one is provided, it will default to that country.
2. LinkedAccountWidget
The LinkedAccountWidget
component facilitates the process of adding a client's linked account, as described in the Add Linked Account API documentation.
Main Features:
- Add and manage external linked bank accounts for clients
- Handle complex micro-deposits initiation logic
import {
} from '@jpmorgan-payments/embedded-finance-components';
const LinkedAccountSection = () => {
return (
<EBComponentsProvider apiBaseUrl="https://your-api-base-url.com">
<LinkedAccountWidget variant="default" />
Please refer to the LinkedAccountProps interface in the codebase for more details.
The EBComponentsProvider
accepts a theme
prop that allows for extensive customization of the components' appearance. The theme object can include the following properties:
: 'dark' | 'light' | 'system'variables
: An object containing various theme variableslight
: Light theme-specific variablesdark
: Dark theme-specific variables
Theme Design Tokens
Here's an updated table of available theme design tokens that can be used in the variables
, light
, and dark
| Token Name | Description | Type | Default |
| -------------------------- | -------------------------------------- | ------ | ------------------------- |
| fontFamily | Main font family for text | String | |
| backgroundColor | Background color of the main container | String | "hsl(0 0% 100%)"
| foregroundColor | Main text color | String | "hsl(240 10% 3.9%)"
| primaryColor | Primary brand color | String | "#155C93"
| primaryColorHover | Hover state of primary color | String | "#2D81BD"
| primaryForegroundColor | Text color on primary background | String | "hsl(0 0% 98%)"
| secondaryColor | Secondary brand color | String | "hsl(240 4.8% 95.9%)"
| secondaryForegroundColor | Text color on secondary background | String | "hsl(240 5.9% 10%)"
| destructiveColor | Color for destructive actions | String | "hsl(0 84.2% 60.2%)"
| destructiveForegroundColor | Text color on destructive background | String | "hsl(0 0% 98%)"
| mutedColor | Color for muted elements | String | "hsl(240 4.8% 95.9%)"
| mutedForegroundColor | Text color on muted background | String | "hsl(240 3.8% 46.1%)"
| accentColor | Accent color for highlights | String | "hsl(240 4.8% 95.9%)"
| accentForegroundColor | Text color on accent background | String | "hsl(240 5.9% 10%)"
| cardColor | Background color for card elements | String | "hsl(0 0% 100%)"
| cardForegroundColor | Text color for card elements | String | "hsl(240 10% 3.9%)"
| popoverColor | Background color for popovers | String | "hsl(0 0% 100%)"
| popoverForegroundColor | Text color for popovers | String | "hsl(240 10% 3.9%)"
| borderRadius | Default border radius for elements | String | "0.375rem"
| buttonBorderRadius | Border radius specifically for buttons | String | inherits "borderRadius"
| spacingUnit | Unit for the numeric spacing scale | String | "0.25rem"
| borderColor | Color for borders | String | "hsl(240 5.9% 90%)"
| inputColor | Background color for input fields | String | "hsl(240 5.9% 90%)"
| ringColor | Color for focus rings | String | "hsl(240 10% 3.9%)"
| zIndexOverlay | z-index for overlay elements | Number | 100
npm install @jpmorgan-payments/embedded-finance-components
yarn add @jpmorgan-payments/embedded-finance-components
Recommended VSCode plugins:
- Prettier
- Tailwind CSS Intellisense
Recommended VS Code Settings
Use the files.associations
setting to tell VS Code to always open .css
files in Tailwind CSS mode:
"files.associations": {
"\*.css": "tailwindcss"
By default VS Code will not trigger completions when editing "string" content, for example within JSX attribute values. Updating the editor.quickSuggestions
setting may improve your experience:
"strings": "on"
- Create a new component in
- Export it in
- Also add it to
Onboarding fieldMap.ts configuration
This configuration file is a mapping utility that connects form fields to API fields. It is designed to handle server errors and create request bodies for API interactions. The configuration is structured as a partyFieldMap object, which defines the mapping rules for various fields related to both organizations and individuals.
Key Components
Field Mapping: Each form field is mapped to a corresponding API field using a path. This path indicates where the data should be placed in the API request or where it can be found in the API response.
Base Rules: Each field has a baseRule that defines its default properties, such as visibility and required status. These rules determine whether a field is visible in the form and whether it is mandatory.
Conditional Rules: Some fields have conditionalRules that modify the base rules based on specific conditions, such as the product type or jurisdiction. These rules allow for dynamic adjustments to field properties.
Transformation Functions: Fields that require data transformation between the form and the API use fromResponseFn and toRequestFn functions. These functions handle the conversion of data formats, such as phone numbers.
npm scripts
Build and dev scripts
– start development serverbuild
– build production version of the apppreview
– locally preview production build
Testing scripts
– checks TypeScript typeslint
– runs ESLintprettier:check
– checks files with Prettiervitest
– runs vitest testsvitest:watch
– starts vitest watchtest
– runsvitest
Other scripts
– starts storybook dev serverstorybook:build
– build production storybook bundle tostorybook-static
– formats all files with Prettier