OpFocus Continuous Integration CLI
CI Development
These instructions are for the OpFocus Continuous Integration process.
Part 1: Installation
npm install -g @jpipkinopfocus/oci
Part 2: Project Setup
Connect to an empty Bitbucket repository
oci start -n my_project
cd my_project
oci connect -s [ssh]
Connect to existing Bitbucket repository
oci clone -s [ssh]
Setup Bitbucket Pipelines
Configure JWT Authentication
The authentication mechanism for pipelines is JWT so setup is required for each SF org before pipelines will run properly. Please use this password when creating self-signed certificates: https://opfocus.my.salesforce.com/a060g00001lySMQ
Create Self-Signed Certificate
- On project root:
oci create-jwt -p [password] -o [org_type]
- password => the password for self-signed certificate
- org_type => "integration", "uat", "staging", "prod"
- This will create a new folder in your local branch called "jwt".
Create Connected App
- In Salesforce Setup, create a new connected app
- Enable OAuth Settings
- Set callback url to "http://localhost:1717/OauthRedirect"
- Select "Use digital signatures" and upload the .crt file in your local jwt/ directory
- OAuth Scopes:
- Access and manage your data (api)
- Provide access to your data via the Web (web)
- Perform requests on your behalf at any time (refresh_token, offline_access)
- Save "consumer key" for Bitbucket Pipelines configuration
- Click "Manage"
- Click "Edit Policies"
- Under "OAuth policies", change Permitted Users to "Admin approved users are pre-authorized".
- Click "Save"
- Add relevant profiles and/or permission sets that determine if a user can authorize with this connected app
Turn on Pipelines
- Go to repository settings
- Go to Pipelines > Settings
- Enable Pipelines
Set up environment variables
- Go to repository settings
- Go to Pipelines > Repository Variables
- Create variables for each branch. If the project does not have UAT, you do not need to create the uat variables
- int_un => integration username
- int_url => integration login url
- int_client_id => integration connected app's consumer key. SECURED VARIABLE
- uat_un => UAT username
- uat_url => UAT login url
- uat_client_id => UAT connected appe's consumer key
- staging_un => staging username
- staging_url => staging login url
- staging_client_id => staging connected app's consumer key. SECURED VARIABLE
- prod_un => production username
- prod_url => production login url
- prod_client_id => production connected app's consumer key. SECURED VARIABLE
Configure the project manifest
The package.xml is located at ./config/package.xml.
Configure the CI configurations
In the ./build/ci.config, there are settings for the Continuous Integration job.
- apiVersion => the platform API version you want to use for retrieving and deploying
Configure the user configurations
In the ./build/user.config, there are settings for your local machine.
- os => Mac or Windows
Part 3: Project commands
Authorize a SF Org
If you use an IDE that utilizes SFDX, you do not need to do anything in this section
sfdx force:auth:web:login --instanceurl [login url] --setalias [org alias]
Retrieve from SF Org
oci retrieve
-u (--alias) (String): The org alias
-m (--metadata) (String): List of specific metadata to retrieve. See sfdx force:source:retrieve
-p (--package) (Boolean): Indicator to use the package.xml file in the config directory
oci retrieve -u MyOrg -m ApexClass:Class1,ApexTrigger:Trigger1
oci retrieve -u MyOrg -p
oci retrieve -u MyOrg
**this will retrieve any components in the force-app directory
Deploy to SF Org
oci deploy
oci validate
-u (--alias) (String): The org alias
-m (--metadata) (String): List of specific metadata to retrieve. See sfdx force:source:retrieve
-f (--zipfile) (String): zipped file to deploy
-l (--testlevel) (String): Test level for deployment
-r (--runtests) (String): List of tests to run
oci deploy -u MyOrg -m ApexClass:Class1,ApexTrigger:Trigger1 -l RunSpecifiedTests -r MyTestClass,MyOtherTest
oci deploy -u MyOrg -f ./Archive.zip
oci deploy
** This will deploy everything in the force-app directory
NOTE: running oci validate
will perform a checkonly deployment
Part 4: All Functions
: creates an sfdx directory for a new project
- -n (--name) (String): required The name of the project
: retrieves metadata from salesforce
-u (--alias) (String): The org alias
-m (--metadata) (String): List of specific metadata to retrieve. See sfdx force:source:retrieve
-p (--package) (Boolean): Indicator to use the package.xml file in the config directory
: deploys metadata to salesforce
-u (--alias) (String): The org alias
-m (--metadata) (String): List of specific metadata to retrieve. See sfdx force:source:retrieve
-f (--zipfile) (String): zipped file to deploy
-l (--testlevel) (String): Test level for deployment
-r (--runtests) (String): List of tests to run
: validates a deployment to salesforce
-u (--alias) (String): The org alias
-m (--metadata) (String): List of specific metadata to retrieve. See sfdx force:source:retrieve
-f (--zipfile) (String): zipped file to deploy
-l (--testlevel) (String): Test level for deployment
-r (--runtests) (String): List of tests to run
: opens a salesforce org in the browser
-u (--alias) (String): The org alias to open
-p (--page) (String): The landing page. Possible values are Lightning Setup, Lightning Home, Classic Setup, Classic Home
-a (--ask) (Boolean): Indicates to ask which landing page to go to
: connects to a new git repo
-s (--ssh) (String) Required: the ssh of the git repository
-m (--message) (String): the initial commit message. Defaults to "initial commit"
: connects to an existing git repo
-s (--ssh) (String) Required: the ssh of the git repository
-m (--message) (String): the initial commit message. Defaults to "initial commit"
: purges any untracked files in your working git directory and fetches the latest from the remote
- -b (--branch) (String): the git branch to clean directory from
: pushes commits to the repo (git push)
- no arguments
: alphabetically sorts the package.xml in the config directory
- no arguments
: create jwt for bitbucket pipeline deployment authentication
-p (--pw) (String): passcode for certificate
-o (--org) (String): the sf org type. possible values are: integration, uat, staging, prod
: creates a feature branch
- -n (--name) (String): the name of the feature branch. "feature/" is prepended automatically to the name of the git branch created
: updates the package version to the latest published version
: prints the current package version
: creates custom metadata type records from csv, or imports type and records from custom setting or custom object
- -u (--alias) (String): Used only for importing. The alias of the source org for custom setting or custom object transformation
- -f (--csv) (String): The path to the csv file containing record information. If this is set, you cannot import from object
- -n (--typename) (String): The custom metadata type developer name
- -d (--namecolumn) (String): Used only for CSV. The DeveloperName csv header. Defaults to "Name"
- -s (--sobjectname) (String): Used only for importing. The API Name of the object to transform into new metadata type
- -p (--plural) (String): Used only for importing. The plural label of the new metadata type
- -l (--label) (String): Used only for importing. The label of the new metadata type
- -v (--visibility) (String): Used only for importing. The visibility of the new metadata type
- -i (--ignoreunsupported) (Boolean): Used only for importing. Ignores unsupported field data types from transformation
: generates new custom metadata type
- -n (--typename) (String): The custom metadata type developer name
- -p (--plural) (String): The plural label of the new metadata type
- -l (--label) (String): The label of the new metadata type
- -v (--visibility) (String): The visibility of the new metadata type
: creates new field for custom metadata type
- -o (--cmdt) (String): The api name of the custom metadata type
- -n (--name) (String): The field developer name
- -l (--label) (String): The field label
- -t (--type) (String): The field data type
- -p (--picklist) (String): Comma-separated list of picklist values. Only for Picklist data type
- -s (--scale) (Number): The number of decimal points. Only for Number and Percent data types
: Creates a new web authorization to a Salesforce org
- -n (--alias) (String): The connection name
- -s (--sandbox) (Boolean): Indicates that the auth url should be test.salesforce.com.
- -r (--instanceurl) (String): The custom login url of the org. If this argument is omitted and -s flag is not used, the connection will point to login.salesforce.com
- -i (--clientid) (String): The client key of the connected app