Converts an array of objects to one object.
Array To Object
Ok this doesn't even deserve it's place *here* but... it was one of my first projects that I made, so it has a special place in my heart
Use this npm package to convert an array of objects to one object. For example, in the code below, the array foo
contains 3 objects
var obj1 = {
"id": "123",
var obj2 = {
"id": "124",
var obj3 = {
"id": "125",
var foo = [obj1, ojb2, ojb3];
If you select the key "name" then it will convert it to something like this:
"Bob": {"name":"Bob", "id": "123", "DOB": "1/2/1975"},
"John": {"name":"John", "id":"124", "DOB": "1/3/1975"},
"Joe": {"name": "Joe", "id": "125", "DOB": "1/4/1975"}
const arrayConverter = require("@joshyzou/array2object")
let output = arrayConverter(array, keyField)
If the package get's a pending promise as the array, it will return: I got a pending promise that was not fulfilled yet.
And if it gets something that is not an array, it will return: I didn't get a vaild array
If the key you inputed is not valid, then it will return: The key that you input probably isn't valid
And lastly, if you didn't input a key at all, then it will return: I didn't get a key field to reduce it to.