Inspiration for the name Aero was from Aerodynamics - Aspiring to have a smooth flow and usage. This also stems to development with inspiration to have ease of development and building.
Aero Design System / Component Library
Inspiration for the name Aero was from Aerodynamics - Aspiring to have a smooth flow and usage. This also stems to development with inspiration to have ease of development and building.
Active Notes:
Running storybook currenly requires the following workaround:
"storybook": "NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider start-storybook -p 6006",
This should only require the following line in the future:
"storybook": "start-storybook -p 6006",
If an update to yarn 2 happens you will need to follow the documentation for the husky update: RESOURCE
This project is currently using an unofficial version of the enzyme adapter for react17 when the new supported version becomes availible that should be included here