Holidates allows you to get the holidays' names and date of any country and at any given year.
Holidates allows you to get the holidays' names and date of any country and at any given year.
How to use
It is a very simple tool, you just have to write this command line to get the holidays of a certain country of the current year.
holidates myCountry
For example:
holidates Belgium
Will return:
Easter Sunday - 2021-04-04
Easter Monday - 2021-04-05
Labour Day - 2021-05-01
Ascension Day - 2021-05-13
Whit Monday - 2021-05-24
Belgian National Day - 2021-07-21
Assumption Day - 2021-08-15
All Saints' Day - 2021-11-01
Armistice Day - 2021-11-11
Christmas Day - 2021-12-25
If you want the holidays of a specific year, simply add it after the country:
holidates myCountry myYear
For example:
holidates Belgium 2004
Will return:
Easter Sunday - 2004-04-11
Easter Monday - 2004-04-12
Labour Day - 2004-05-01
Ascension Day - 2004-05-20
Whit Monday - 2004-05-31
Belgian National Day - 2004-07-21
Assumption Day - 2004-08-15
All Saints' Day - 2004-11-01
Armistice Day - 2004-11-11
Christmas Day - 2004-12-25