Extracts the users local iTunes music library ID from the iTunes Library XML file
iTunes Music Library Path
This module loops through iTunes Music Library XML and returns the library ID.
Using the library ID you can do things like sync the local iTunes library with persistent storage, using the library id as the unique id. note: By default, iTunes no longer creates this file automatically at startup. The user has to turn on this feature from iTunes -> Preferences.
$ npm install @johnpaulvaughan/itunes-music-library-id --save
##Code Example This module returns a promise of the ID. It rejects if the path cannot be found.
To return a Promise:
let retrieveID = require('itunes-music-library-id').retrieveID;
let validXMLpath = 'C:\Users\JohnPaulVaughan\Music\iTunes\iTunes Music Library.xml'
let invalidPath = 'c:\some other file.txt'
return retrieveID(validXMLpath)
.then((result) => console.log(result))
.catch((err) => console.log(err))
// -> E64GD46A5D1D3AF
return retrieveID(invalidPath)
.then((result) => console.log(result))
.catch((err) => console.log(err))
// -> ERROR: 'Unable to find the iTunes library ID. Check the XML is valid'