A browserify watcher
Browserify Watcher
This module helps you compile your files with browserify when the files changed. I try to make the API as simple as possiable so that I can start a new project quickly with the help of this module. I have published this module to npm with the scope of my user name. You can treat it as a private module with the public access. This module is not tested so carefully. Keep this in mind, before you may use it. Below is an example:
var watcher = require('@john-yuan/dev-browserify-watcher');
// This function retruns an instance of `FSWatcher` that chokidar returned to it
var fsWatcher = watcher.watch({
// The input file of browserify
entry: 'lib/index.js',
// The output file
output: 'dist/bundle.js',
// The files to watch
paths: 'lib/**/*.js',
// The options pass to browserify (optional)
browserifyOptions: {
debug: true
// The options pass to choidar (optional)
chokidarOptions: {},