An NodeJS mysql wrapper to convert objects to the full query String! Nice to simplify the work with MySQL in a Node Enviroment
An NodeJS mysql wrapper to convert objects to the full query String! Nice to simplify the work with MySQL in a Node Enviroment
- Handling Database connection
- Create Tables with all around like PK or FK
- Create Database Entrys
- Update Database Entrys
- Delete Database Entrys
- Helps you on handling with timestamps
- Provides a full in memory Caching-System
- Provides a set of callbacks to may log the infos
Establish a connection & Create a Table
const { Database } = require('@jodu555/mysqlapi');
const database = Database.createDatabase('host', 'username', 'password', 'database');
database.createTable('tablename', {
options: {
columName: {
type: 'columType',
null: false,
Create a Table with Foreign Keys & Indexes
This Means that to the colum user_UUID will created an FK to the table users in the colum UUID
The K means that the columen name gets an index
database.createTable('services', {
options: {
K: ['name'],
FK: {
user_UUID: 'users/UUID',
type: 'varchar(64)',
null: false,
user_UUID: {
type: 'varchar(64)',
null: false,
name: 'varchar(64)',
Create a Table with timestamps e.g (created_at, updated_at) and softdelete with deleted_at
database.createTable('services', {
options: {
//Enables softdelete
softdelete: true,
//Enable all available timestamps
timestamps: true,
//Enable only one or two with default naming only deletedAt if softdelete is activ
timestamps: {
cratedAt: true,
updatedAt: false,
deletedAt: true,
//Enable only one or two with custom colum naming only deletedAt if softdelete is activ
timestamps: {
cratedAt: 'created_at',
updatedAt: 'updated_at',
deletedAt: 'deleted_at',
type: 'varchar(64)',
null: false,
user_UUID: {
type: 'varchar(64)',
null: false,
name: 'varchar(64)',
Work with the database in other classes | PUT this before you all over before you acces the database
const { Database } = require('@jodu555/mysqlapi');
const database = Database.getDatabase();
database. //some other function like get('tablename')
Create an Entry in a Table
//Retunrs the created Entry
columName: 'columValue',
Get one or more Entry/s from a Table
//Returns one row
searchColumName: 'searchColumValue',
//Returns an Array of rows
searchColumName: 'searchColumValue',
Update or Delete an Entry from a Table
//Returns the updated row
const update = await database.get('tablename').update(
searchColumName: 'searchColumValue',
updateColumName: 'updateColumValue',
await database.get('tablename').delete({
searchColumName: 'searchColumValue',
Get Latest Entry by inseted / updated / deleted
//Returns the latest inseted / updated / deleted row
//Gets the general latest
await database.get('tablename').getLatest('inserted');
await database.get('tablename').getLatest('updated');
await database.get('tablename').getLatest('deleted');
//Gets the latest by a specific search
await database.get('tablename').getLatest('type', {
searchColumName: 'searchColumValue',
Database implemented software caching usage
time: 1000 * 60 * 60, //After 1 Hour the cache gets refreshed
calls: 3, //After 4 cause 3 is inc. calls from the cache it gets refreshed
//These both values can work together or u only specify one of them
async (param) => {
//Here comes the code which gets called if the cache is initialized or refreshes
return {};
// To get a cached value
const output = await database.getCache('nameOfTheCache').get('value');
// This returns an object with infos about the calls the cachedTime and the data
// => { data: {}, calls: 1, cached: false, cacheTime: 1638083909074 }
//To Refresh the full cache with all kinds of passed parameters use:
//If you want to only refresh the cache for specific parameters use:
Database action callback usage
* IDENTIFIER Building:
tablename-ACTION : On a Specific Table a specific Action
*-ACTION : On Any Table a specific Action
*-* : On any Table any Action
database.setCallback('IDENTIFIER', ({ tablename, action, data }) => {
//Here you can log the data or do whatever you want to do
Projects using this API
- [ ] Document all the public functions with jsdoc so the usage gets easier
- [x] Implement the pooling system so the connections dont fail
- [ ] Keep track of the actions obj in the thingdatabase
- [ ] Implement pseudo values which are based on actual values
- [ ] Implement multiple databases for redundancy
- [x] Add possibility to createTable to auto implement the timestamps created_AT / updated_AT
- [x] Add the possibility to activate softdelete and add in the timestamps
- [x] Add the possibility to create indexes in tables
- [x] Add the possibility to set callback functions for databse actions
- [x] Add a function to get the latest one!!
- [ ] Engineer a newer way for the callbacks
- [ ] 🤯 Hooks: 🤯
- [ ] BeforeHook: You can manipulate the income object
- [ ] MiddleHook: You can manipulate the sql code which gets build by the object
- [ ] AfterHook: You can manipulate what happens after the sql code gets runned (eg. edit something in the return)
- [ ] 🤯 Hooks: 🤯
- [ ] Add the possibility to order a get statement
- [x] ReEngineer the validation
- [x] Validate if the Validation works just fine
- [ ] Add the Validation to the documentation
- [x] Implement a whole caching system
- [x] Add This system to the documentation
- [ ] Schema Thing
- [ ] XOR Option : So either the username or email or both
- [ ] Immutable values
- [ ] Virtual Variables
- [x] Accept a anonymous function for the default value