Jobbird.com Style Guide (SCSS)
Jobbird Frontend Styleguide
This is a configuration for the Jobbird Styleguide / Pattern Library. It's main responsibility is to combine all Jobbird styled .scss files into a css file.
- Stylelint standard linting
- BEM Linting
- SMACSS ordering
- Other strict linting options
- PostCSS Autoprefixing and some more postcss transformation.
- CSSnano
- Patternlab
- Astrum
- Browsersync
Please use a very revent Node version, not lower than 8.10.0
Just using the styles?
To just use the style, grab it from source/css/style.css. It is however recommended to use the CDN. (TODO: Add details with CDN location)
Make sure all the dependencies are installed with:
npm install
After that, watch the files with:
npm run watch
This whill open up the browser with BrowserSync at http://localhost:3001/ and the Patternlab interface will be visible.
Production build
To build the CSS for production simply do:
npm run build
The Node version of Patternlab is used to present the atomic design elements. https://patternlab.io/
This package comes with Astrum, to visually present the Styleguide in a more fashionable way than Patternlab. Astrum is checked in under /astrum and does not need compiling and can run as-is (after npm run build
). To run just serve the /astrum folder any way you like it. For example use python -m SimpleHTTPServer
For production, the astrum folder can be hosted anywhere, just refer to the astrum documentation about MIME-type problems in IIS: https://github.com/NoDivide/astrum