Douglas Crockford's parseq, packaged for Node.js.
Douglas Crockford's parseq
This package provides Douglas Crockford's public-domain parseq library as a Node.js package. The package version indicates the upstream »edition«.
Both a universal CommonJS/AMD module and an ECMAScript 6 module are provided.
Notable features of this package are:
- its major version number is equal to the parseq »edition«
- it is automatically updated when a new edition of parseq is released
- it contains unaltered parseq source code
- the code is JSLint-clean
The major version number of this package indicates the parseq »edition« it contains. Multiple updates to parseq on a single day are represented by increasing minor version numbers. The patch version indicates updates to this package itself.
Usage from Node.js
This package can be installed using
$ npm install @jkuebart/parseq
For more detailed examples, see the website.
const parseq = require("@jkuebart/parseq");
Usage from HTML
This is the easiest way to include parseq into a website:
<script type="module">
import parseq from "//unpkg.com/@jkuebart/parseq/dist/parseq.min.js";
// …
If you're having to support browsers which can't handle ES6 modules, you
can simply load the universal module which provides a global variable
<script src="//unpkg.com/@jkuebart/parseq/dist/parseq.umd.min.js"></script>
Alternatively, CommonJS and AMD compatible loaders can also load the universal module.
A shell script is provided for building new packages when this project or the upstream project is updated. It can be run using
npm run editions
This creates branches and tags based on the »edition« of the upstream project. Packages still need to be generated and published manually.
The local branches and tags can be viewed using
npm run show-branches
npm run show-tags
This can be used to automate some tasks, for example:
npm run show-branches --silent |
while read b
git push --set-upstream origin "${b#refs/heads/}:${b#refs/heads/}"
npm run show-tags --silent |
while read t
git checkout "${t#refs/tags/}"
npm publish --access public
To easily remove automatically created local branches and tags, use
npm run reset
There is also a shell script that determines whether the upstream project has new commits.
npm run show-branches --silent |
npm run uptodate --silent